Interior window guards for an '00 Mountaineer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Interior window guards for an '00 Mountaineer?


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February 1, 2007
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'11 Expedition EL Ltd
Does anyone know where I can find a set of interior window guards for an '00 Mountaineer? Havis doesn't have any products in their current line for an '00.

Also, has anyone ever tried to fit these in a non-police vehicle? I'm wondering how easy/difficult that would considering I'll have some plastic trim in the way.


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Just curios, whats purpose for them? Never seen em before atleast not in a nonpolice vehicle lol
One of the ladies at work could use these though. I'ma mention it to her

Just curios, whats purpose for them? Never seen em before atleast not in a nonpolice vehicle lol
One of the ladies at work could use these though. I'ma mention it to her

K9s officers use them to keep the K9s from taking a bite out of anyone dumb enough to try and pet the dog. I'm looking to use them for the same purpose. I travel with my dogs often and two are naturally very protective of the vehicle and its occupants. While most people have enough common sense to heed their barking and wouldn't dream of approaching a couple large, barking dogs, a handful still try to reach in my car window, so for the safety of my dogs and the mentally challenged humans, I want to install some window guards. :)

I would think that if you bought the correct gauge perforated metal, it could be as simple as screwing it down around the top edge and side edges. Along the bottom would need some sort of rigid strip to go along the bottom edge, that would lead from one side to the other. That way, the door panel would not be harmed by brackets, but it would have to be rigid enough not allow in or out bowing of the bottom edge.

If you look at the middle pic in this auction, you can get an idea of what I am talking about, but use round hole perforated sheet metal instead of that metal mesh.

Click linky
