Intermittent Squeal when moving (when car is cold) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Intermittent Squeal when moving (when car is cold)

Update #4. This is ridiculous. 3 weeks in the shop and they haven’t even torn it down to provide the warranty people with the info that’s needed for warranty approval. Going to speak with the service manager and possibility file a complaint with DMV & BBB. Pulled into their lot today and car is parked outside. So they’re not even thinking about working on it.
We have another thread going as well with the same issues. Did the dealer ever get you up and running with a fix?

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We have another thread going as well with the same issues. Did the dealer ever get you up and running with a fix?
Which thread please? If you are referring to "Anyone Familiar With This Noise", it isn't quite the same issue.


Any updates on this? I have the same noise and they haven’t been able to fix it.

Any updates on this? I have the same noise and they haven’t been able to fix it.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


Any updates on this? I have the same noise and they haven’t been able to fix it.

Some say half shaft/cv with the carrier bearing. I haven’t diagnosed mine yet as the noise just came back as it goes away when the temps are warm for me. I’m going to have the dealer specifically look at the cv with the carrier bearing and will report back.

Some say half shaft/cv with the carrier bearing. I haven’t diagnosed mine yet as the noise just came back as it goes away when the temps are warm for me. I’m going to have the dealer specifically look at the cv with the carrier bearing and will report back.
I have a 2018 ford explorer with 109,000 miles and the video posted is the exact noise I have . I drive 10 minutes, it make the noise for about 30 seconds and then stops. In the front end. It only happens when the vehicle has been sitting for a while (overnight and the 8 hours while I’m at work). Doesn’t do it if you drive off and on all day, just the first start up. Brakes are fine, not turning when it happens, mostly on a straight course. I guess I’ll bring it to the mechanic but was hoping someone had the same issue and has had it fixed.
Thanks for any guidance

We have another thread going as well with the same issues. Did the dealer ever get you up and running with a fix?
Replacing the half shaft did resolve the issue

I have a 2018 ford explorer with 109,000 miles and the video posted is the exact noise I have . I drive 10 minutes, it make the noise for about 30 seconds and then stops. In the front end. It only happens when the vehicle has been sitting for a while (overnight and the 8 hours while I’m at work). Doesn’t do it if you drive off and on all day, just the first start up. Brakes are fine, not turning when it happens, mostly on a straight course. I guess I’ll bring it to the mechanic but was hoping someone had the same issue and has had it fixed.
Thanks for any guidance
My squeal symptoms were identical to yours and replacing the front pax half shaft solved the problem

Welcome to the Forum nwils626. :wave:

