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Is buying under MSRP possible on the Explorer?

exactly... I ordered MY 08 GT500 from a dealer 200 miles from my home in MI at INVOICE at a time when they were fetching 5-10-15K OVER MSRP... it took some research and dealing.. I then bought my 10 Raptor at 300.00 over dealer cost, again at a time when they were fetching MSRP or a few K over.. all in your homework and research.. somewhere a dealer wants to sell a vehicle.. the arrogant dealer can bag it and eat crow as you drive by in your new ride. I did that to a local dealer, miles from my house, with the Raptor... he thought I was kidding, not any more!

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I was $500 over invoice but after rebates and all... my $41500 limited came in at $36,250 before TTL... If I financed it... but will probably lease when the car actually gets here so I my cap cost will be at about $38,000.

... don't believe everything you read on this forum.


That's sort of what I was thinking too. Now, no need for anyone to defend their particular deal as I'm not calling any individual out, but you guys are all either master negotiators or live somewhere far from me. If you say you got your EX for $500 under invoice with no fees, free all-weather mats, car washes for 5 years, and a free home-cooked dinner at the dealer's mom's house every Sunday...I'll never question you. :salute:

But if it helps anyone else feel better, I'll come forward and state that I couldn't make any such deal around here and I'm apparently paying way more than most of you. Oh well. I guess someone has to put the salesguy's kid through school.

ok so dealer hold back is also listed on true car, and that is part of the dealer cost.... I have always used the dealer cost, and added a few hundred bucks... and that alwasy works... bring it in with you. Heck true car will even give you dealer names who will sell at those prices. Bottom line, you can get deals on ANY vehicle if you come in with data and educated.... has always worked for me... and worth a try. Lots of dealers around, and one will sell you what you want at the price you want. They are in it to make money, and you are in it to save money!

So I looked at truecar to see if I could see what you were saying. I priced out my exact vehcile and here is what I found.

My MSRP is $47,925
Invoice (taken off x/a/d plan invoice) $44,625 - $500 rebate = $44,125 + $70 (what they charge) = $44,195 OTD

Truecar price (do dealer still charge prep or doc fees or is this out the door??)

$44,185 - 0 miles away
$43,985 - 132 miles away round trip
$43,785 - 187 miles away round trip

So essentially if I was willing to travel 132-187 miles to get a vehicle, I would have saved $145 - $345. Personally for me, it's not worth the travel and gas to save a few hundred dollars, especially when I'll never be back there again. I rather pay a few hundred more to a dealer that I will see regularly and will service my vehicle.

To each their own I guess.

Like you said to each there own. I live 1200 miles from LA in SE Washington state, called a dealership in Anaheim(add another 30 miles or so) and all they were doing is MSRP???
If they would have tried to deal I would have flown down and picked it up!

The dealers also make money on any car with their "floorplan." I sent one of my patients down yesterday for a F350 dually, he bought the truck. So by getting a reasonable deal the dealer will get a bunch of referrals. They will still make money and I work very hard for mine.


I think it depends on where you live. The more dealers you have access to, the better your chances of getting a deal. Lots of dealers in my area, so after several tries with different dealers, I got a below invoice deal.

Happy hunting!

I've always found it best to do everything over the phone. I call dealers, tell them what I want and ask what they will sell it to me for. We have several Ford dealers in the SF Bay area, so I started dialing. The dealer I ordered from sells all cars at 500 over invoice. In addition, the fleet manager that took my order has been very helpful. I would never negotiate a car price in person.

So I looked at truecar to see if I could see what you were saying. I priced out my exact vehicle and here is what I found.

My MSRP is $47,925
Invoice (taken off x/a/d plan invoice) $44,625 - $500 rebate = $44,125 + $70 (what they charge) = $44,195 OTD

Truecar price (do dealer still charge prep or doc fees or is this out the door??)

$44,185 - 0 miles away
$43,985 - 132 miles away round trip
$43,785 - 187 miles away round trip

So essentially if I was willing to travel 132-187 miles to get a vehicle, I would have saved $145 - $345. Personally for me, it's not worth the travel and gas to save a few hundred dollars, especially when I'll never be back there again. I rather pay a few hundred more to a dealer that I will see regularly and will service my vehicle.

To each their own I guess.

Ok, so I true car my Explorer Limited 4WD. Sticker and price on-line match at $46,335. If you look mid-page it will show you the Dealer Cost, the Factory Invoice, the Average Paid, and Sticker Price. YOU can then search for the BEST LOCAL PRICE... What I am saying is, take the doc to the dealer. IF you do not want to mess around, have him match the best local price... sure they will. HOWEVER if you want to mess around, and don't care if you piss anyone off or make a deal that day, start at the DEALER COST and work your way up to the FACTORY PRICE. I would say anything in that range is a pretty good deal. Anything closer to Dealer is better than closer to Factory... and way less than sticker. I have ALWAYS pounded out a deal and a few hundred more than Dealer Cost... just take time, smarts, and patience to walk away if you don't get your deal. Just saying, this is fact, no thread BS and if anyone wants to see my last deal on my 2010 Raptor PM me and I will provide.

Yes, it's possible. I got mines very early with the last one on the lot. Original MSRP was 38k, I haggled it down to 37k including all fees so I didn't have to pay that price even with all the taxes and fees.

IMHO there isn't a car on the planet that I will not buy at invoice or below; it just doesn't make sense.

Now, if you are in NEED of a vehicle NOW, you may pay more than invoice; fortunately I'm in a position where I can wait them out.

I was able to secure mine $400 under invoice. I went to http://bankofamerica.zag.com/main.html built the Explorer how I wanted, and was given 3 local dealerships that are a part of the ZAG program.

When I arrived at the dealership, I changed a few options that I originally wanted. No matter how I configured my Explorer it was always $400 under invoice. It's definitely worth a minute to check the site.

got my limited with everything but the dvd headrests. paid 4k under invoice with mid blue book for my trade.

got my limited with everything but the dvd headrests. paid 4k under invoice with mid blue book for my trade.

It doesn't count if you add in the value of your trade. I too could say I paid $14k under invoice if I want to add the cost of my trade-in and my down payment.

It doesn't count if you add in the value of your trade. I too could say I paid $14k under invoice if I want to add the cost of my trade-in and my down payment.

i meant i got the car down 4k before i added the trade into the package. 47k msrp, 43k final price without trade.

i meant i got the car down 4k before i added the trade into the package. 47k msrp, 43k final price without trade.

Gotcha. You wrote 4k under invoice which was the miscommunication. MSRP and dealer invoice prices are different things.

I ordered my Red Candy Limited on Sept 7, 2010. It arrived at my dealer on 3/10/2011 and I took delivery on 3/18/2011. MSRP was $48,320 and I had X-Plan for $45052.70 (invoice). I qualified for $3,750 in rebates ($500 early order, $1500 owner loyalty, $750 bonus cash & $1000 retail cash). I was told that the configuration and color delayed the build....but it was worth the wait...I really love the vehicle. I am very pleased with the color and the added accessories.

Walmart employes get x plan price. Also if you own Ford stock some brokers will give you a pin for x plan prices. Better yet if you know a Ford employee, they can get the best prices. Ask your employer if they partner with Ford which is the X plan price. Also ask for the cash incentivies for your area.

Example of my X Limited, 4wd, towing, Blis, 301a

MSRP $43060
Invoice $40468
A&Z plan $38929 Employee price
D plan $39029
X plan $40581
$ I paid $38831 X Plan minus 1750 cash incentives.

Not all dealer :mad: will do X Plan pricing. The X is selling like hot cakes:thumbsup:. If you see one make your deal.
The lower the price you get on the X the less they will give you for a trade in.

2012 X build will start in July.

So I looked at truecar to see if I could see what you were saying. I priced out my exact vehcile and here is what I found.

My MSRP is $47,925
Invoice (taken off x/a/d plan invoice) $44,625 - $500 rebate = $44,125 + $70 (what they charge) = $44,195 OTD

Truecar price (do dealer still charge prep or doc fees or is this out the door??)

$44,185 - 0 miles away
$43,985 - 132 miles away round trip
$43,785 - 187 miles away round trip

So essentially if I was willing to travel 132-187 miles to get a vehicle, I would have saved $145 - $345. Personally for me, it's not worth the travel and gas to save a few hundred dollars, especially when I'll never be back there again. I rather pay a few hundred more to a dealer that I will see regularly and will service my vehicle.

To each their own I guess.

OTD = Out The Door

This should include tax and everything.

OTD = Out The Door

This should include tax and everything.

New Hampshire does not have sales tax so that price is OTD. My dealer does not charge doc/prep fees. No fees are added to the price of the vehicle. What I posted is what my total price was OTD.

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New Hampshire does not have sales tax so that price is OTD. My dealer does not charge doc/prep fees. No fees are added to the price of the vehicle. What I posted is what my total price was OTD.

That's amazing!

Sales tax is going to run me around $2,600+

Lucky You!
