Is it possible to haul a 3750~lbs car with a tow dolly if i lie to uhaul? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is it possible to haul a 3750~lbs car with a tow dolly if i lie to uhaul?


June 18, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Clarion, Pennsylvania
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 ford explorer XLT 4d
I am looking at a 335I from 2007. I do not care about the legality or ethics of abusing the dolly or the car I just do not feel like fixing it on the spot. it would be roughly 50 miles. can I just say it's a Miata or something like that? I know literally nothing about towing anything to be honest with y'all.

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Sure, it's physically possible, but not safe to do so. The dolly and car being towed do not have brakes, there's no tongue weight so expect the ass end of your explorer to sway at highway speeds. It's even worse if you tow the car with the engine side on the road. Braking ability will be marginal at best. I've done something similar with a 87 ranger and a car that weighed 500 lbs more on the dolly. I made it 1500 miles and would never do it again.

Tell them it’s a Lincoln not an explorer
Or rent a dolly from somebody other then u haul
You maybe better off renting an actual car trailer because they have brakes

A 50 mile tow I do for my friends all the time just for gas money and tips, something g to consider if you know anyone

Aaa members can get free tows at times too something to consider

I rented a trailer from I haul years ago using my explorer I simply told them it was a mountaineer, my old 96 had a mounty grill so it was a half truth

U-Haul wouldn't let me tow my '93 4cyl single cab Ranger behind my '98 Mounty 5.0. He winked at me and said "Are you sure it is a Ranger?". I replied "Oh yeah, it is a 1990 Ford Festiva.", and all was okay. I did only tow it about 10 miles and I was very careful, all backroads. I don't know if I would do 50 miles.

Yep sadly, why I'm not 100% sure but my theory is high rollover which is an insurance nightmare for them. I had an independent u-haul dealer even put in it had the highest grade and capacity hitch at 12k lbs and they still wouldn't rent to my explorer. I had my ex towed one time and had called to confirm trailer availability, asked why they wouldn't rent to an explorer and was told even old or brand new off the lot explorers won't qualify for trailer rental but not why they wouldn't allow it.

It’s a **** you to Ford

Ford pointed the finger at UHaul, claiming their trailers caused some of the blowout rollovers. UHaul responded by saying ‘then we won’t rent a trailer to any Explorers’

And it was the Firestone tires and just a batch of them at the end of the day
Ford got a bad wrap on that one
Like s10 blazers and wranglers dont flip if you lose a tire at 65 and over correct, u haul will hook a trailer to those!

I suggest trying smaller local rental places get your trailer or dolley from them
