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Is my ECU fried?


Well-Known Member
November 8, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Jackson, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT 4x4
Power is getting to the computer and chec engine light does not come on with key turned.

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If the check engine light doesn't come on at all it may very well be. I am assuming the engine doesn't run. Also, you shouldn't hear the fuel pump run either if the computer doesn't work.

Just make sure it's not the bulb or something to that effect. Just grab another computer from a junkyard if it's fried, new ones are far from being worth the price.

If the check engine light doesn't come on at all it may very well be. I am assuming the engine doesn't run. Also, you shouldn't hear the fuel pump run either if the computer doesn't work.

Just make sure it's not the bulb or something to that effect. Just grab another computer from a junkyard if it's fried, new ones are far from being worth the price.

brand new fuel pump, fuel pump relay, fuel filter.

Reason i think its fried is because if i bypass the relay, pump comes on, im getting spark...but computer is not controlling the injectors to make it start.

does the vehicle have vref? 5v from the pcm, are you powering all the points the relay powers?

All i now is the parts of the relays that need power from the ECU are not getting the power they are supposed to get.

Just bought a computer off ebay. Should be here in 2-3 days. Will let you know the outcome.

What is the wire color that supplies the ECU with power?

Is it stick or auto. If its stick, I've got a comp from a 91 you can try.

BTW- where in Jackson are you?

Is it stick or auto. If its stick, I've got a comp from a 91 you can try.

BTW- where in Jackson are you?

Damn its auto. And Harmony Rd. Where you at?

did you just try to use a 20amp fused wire to power the hot side of the pcm relay off the battery to see if the pcm goes online?

off the top of my head i think it powers 3 pins. or 2, if its a 104 pcm connector.

a fried pcm and offline will not have vref. this is something done in the pcm and its a 5volt signal.

did you just try to use a 20amp fused wire to power the hot side of the pcm relay off the battery to see if the pcm goes online?

off the top of my head i think it powers 3 pins. or 2, if its a 104 pcm connector.

a fried pcm and offline will not have vref. this is something done in the pcm and its a 5volt signal.

no i didnt try that, that would be the brown relay? And whats VREF?

New prospect rd.

I'll check to see if I have an auto comp in my collection.

Wow right down the road. My X is actually on Aldrich Rd. right before you get to Howell border. That would be great if you had one laying around.

Wow right down the road. My X is actually on Aldrich Rd. right before you get to Howell border. That would be great if you had one laying around.

I'll check in the morning.

Im off aldrich.

alright thanks, maybe you can text me if you find it.

(number removed) my name is Nick

i would pm that info, not post it on a public message board. just looking out for you.

Delete your number, I saved it.

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