Is there a fuse for the USB port? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there a fuse for the USB port?


July 9, 2009
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2017 XLT
The USB port in my 2008 Eddie Bauer Explorer suddenly stopped working. Is there a fuse associated with this port?

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There probably is an inline fuse or a fuse somewhere in the driver fuse panel.

You'll have to check the panel door and check what's for what, since I'm not familiar with the 08.

Thanks for the info. For the record, I found the fuse box under the hood. I pulled out the fuse for the Sync and then plugged it back in after a bit. That fixed my problem.

Update - this fix only lasted for a day or so. The USB port is again showing up as "USB Empty". I wonder what is going on here.

Update - this fix only lasted for a day or so. The USB port is again showing up as "USB Empty". I wonder what is going on here.

Is it a fuse or a relay that you pulled out?
If you pulled out a relay, it may be bad.


I have a '08 Fusion that had similar issues a while back. Are you sure the flash drive or cable you're using is good? Had a flash drive go bad on a trip and that was a bummer --no personal tunes the rest of the way. Now I carry a spare, but you know how that goes; when you're prepared, bad things don't usually happen.

Also, have you updated your Sync to the latest firmware? Use or just Google "Sync my ride" and pick the Sync site.

Hope that helps -- keep us informed.

Djdom - It was a fuse.

Fless - thanks for that link. Will have to try that. I had already tried swapping cables etc and also tried a different mobile device. The problem is on the Sync side.

My Sync has seen two or three updates since I bought the Fusion. Note that the USB port has to work for you to do the updates, since you load them to a USB flash drive or device, and do the update through the USB port.

If you can get the USB port to work for a short while by resetting the fuse, maybe it will work long enough for you to get the update to take. I think they (SYNC) say it could take as much as 30 minutes with the key on, but your instructions might be different. Mine never took more than about 10 minutes.

Although it's been a while, I had some trouble with the online instructions for the update. I seem to recall that the steps didn't work exactly as detailed, and I think I may have written my own as I went through it. If you get to that point, send me a PM and I'll see if I still have them. (Not sure if our sound systems are identical)

Updating might also reset any bluetooth pairing you may have done, so you may have to start from scratch there if you use it.

Yes thanks. I can get it to work anytime by pulling the fuse, so i will try to do the update as soon as i get a chance.

Well I just tried going to the site to do the update, but it says that it must be dealer-installed.

There should be a place on Sync (after you register) to check your update history. There may be a link there to show other (non-dealer-installed) updates you can get. Maybe the updates have been done, by the dealer or a prior owner if you're not the first.

I am the original owner. The history shows no updates since the original release in 2008.

I guess if nothing but that shows up, I'd say to call the support line and ask them how you get the latest non-dealer update. I tried to view the firmware version on my unit but it's either not doable or buried so deep I can't find it. All I know on mine is that I confirmed my last update to v1.3.
