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Is There a Way to "Flush" the Power Steering System?


Well-Known Member
July 24, 2010
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Deltona, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Ex XLT & 84 Ranger
My power steering is whining and the fluid smells burnt. What I want to do is rebuild the pump and flush the fluid if possable so I can put fresh stuff in it. Is there a way to get all the old stuff out or "flush" the system?

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I think you will get 90% of the old fluid out just draining the cooler lines and through the rebuild. That's good enough. After you reassemble you could fill with new fluid and re-drain the cooler again. That will get you to 98% new fluid. Unless the fluid is contaminated with water or some foreign substance, you really don't need to worry about it.

i would think that if you want to completely flush the system you could use a can of the compressed flush that they sell to flush out tranny lines, then blow some air threw it to get the rest of the "solvent" out.

I don't know how everyone else here feels about the Lucas products. I use most all of them in everything I own and have never had a bad experience. TBS, after removing all of the old fluid (or amap) I would add a bottle when refilling. IMHO

I like Lucas products. Planned on using Lucas power steering fluid to refill the system. I forgot about the ps cooler. Thanks for your input guys!

After I drain the fluid, how much will it take to refill the system?

I used only MerconV in my Explorer. In the older Sable (96), that was leaking PS fluid, I used to refill a bottle of "Lucas PS stop leak" and it stopped the leak - for now.

Cool, Thanks!

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