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Power steering whine


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 EB AWD 5.0
So lately my X has developed a power steering whine. It doesn't always happen, some days it will do it a little, others it will do it a lot, and others it won't do it at all. Power steering bottle is between 1/2 and 3/4 full so I don't think it's a lack of fluid.

Should I get the fluid flushed and go from there, or what?

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I've been driving Fords since the late 60s and every single one of them sooner or later developed a whine from the power steering. Seems to be a Ford design thing.

I now drive a 99 Explorer I bought new and it's power steering was whining, not surprising though after over 170,000 miles and only changing the fluid once a couple of years after I bought it.

Anyway, I had the power steering system flushed a few months ago and it still whined but as time passed it whined less and less and now doesn't whine at all.

My Ford owner's manual recommends changing the fluid regularly. Seems the manual is right.

I've been driving Fords since the late 60s and every single one of them sooner or later developed a whine from the power steering. Seems to be a Ford design thing.

I now drive a 99 Explorer I bought new and it's power steering was whining, not surprising though after over 170,000 miles and only changing the fluid once a couple of years after I bought it.

Anyway, I had the power steering system flushed a few months ago and it still whined but as time passed it whined less and less and now doesn't whine at all.

My Ford owner's manual recommends changing the fluid regularly. Seems the manual is right.

when it whines i feel a little vibration/resistance in the wheel. My ex's 93 whined like a sunovabitch but there was no resistance or vibration, was strictly noise.

Sounds like the pump is on its way out. You can try flushing it and adding something like Lucas (ive used this with good results on my BMW).

I'd be a little worried about the vibration/resistance in the wheel. Ford pumps seem to be prone to noise but I've never had a noisy one also have a vibration/resistance problem. That sounds like the pump is unable to output the required pressure.

As ZBlackBeast said you may have a pump that's failing as well as being noisy.

I'd be a little worried about the vibration/resistance in the wheel. Ford pumps seem to be prone to noise but I've never had a noisy one also have a vibration/resistance problem. That sounds like the pump is unable to output the required pressure.

As ZBlackBeast said you may have a pump that's failing as well as being noisy.

Yeah, I think I'm just gonna pick up a new pump and pulley and replace them.

I've been driving Fords since the late 60s and every single one of them sooner or later developed a whine from the power steering. Seems to be a Ford design thing.

I now drive a 99 Explorer I bought new and it's power steering was whining, not surprising though after over 170,000 miles and only changing the fluid once a couple of years after I bought it.

Anyway, I had the power steering system flushed a few months ago and it still whined but as time passed it whined less and less and now doesn't whine at all.

My Ford owner's manual recommends changing the fluid regularly. Seems the manual is right.

My neighbor 30yr ford front end mechanic advised the aluminum hosing bleed into the fluid,


What does this mean:

"aluminum hosing bleed into the fluid"

I have a 1998 Sport with 187,000 miles. It makes the power steering whining noise when the wheels are turned - whether on the road or parked.

Researching the thread, it seems like a common issue but others are having some luck minimizing the noise.

So whats my first step: empty the old fluid and put in new - maybe with some Lucas as well ?

Many thanks,


Lucas and new fluid are always good. Anything binding in your front end ? Balls joints/tie rod ends. If any of that is greaseable, grease it up aswell. I never turn my steering wheel when my vehicle isn't moving, just the sound is enough to tell you it's harder on it.

Changing the fluid would be a good idea. But be sure there is no air trapped in the system. A lot of past threads on that subject. I am surprised no one mentioned the fluid level. I run mine a bit above the full mark. Eliminated some of the whine, however there is still some noise, not necessarily a whine, on occasion.

The Lucas seemed to quiet it down for me as well. Also avoid holding the wheel in the extreme left or right locked positions.

I've never tried the Lucas in my power steering before. What I have used is the Ford friction modifier for the limited slip differentials and it works well. I used to work at a dealer and an old mechanic taught me this trick.
