Is this an engine support of Ford Explorer 2013? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is this an engine support of Ford Explorer 2013?

Post number 2 has been selected as best answered.


Active Member
February 5, 2016
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 XLT 2.0 Ecoboost
Hi All,

I went to a tire shop last weekend to have my tires rotated but during the activity, I noticed a worn out part below. Unfortunately, the guys servicing my Explorer are really unsure if this is an engine support. :mad:

Just took a picture of it so you guys can help me.

1.) What part is this? Engine support assembly or bushing?
2.) If this will be replaced, is it an "assembly" part or can I just replace the wornout rubber?
3.) Where can I purchase this in US? I'm from the Philippines and ordering it through Ford dealerships here are really pain in the ass. Please let me know if I can purchase this part online.




As of now, I can't really hear or notice a thumping sound but just worried if this will cause a problem in the future if not replaced.

Thank you very much! :salute:

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That part is called an Engine Rear Support Insulator part #6068 on
It's 32 US dollars. You could try fordparts or any of the forum vendors and see what their shipping rates are to outside the US. I have no idea if they will ship outside North America or not.

Something leaked on that part and ruined the rubber bushing part of it.

Thank you so much for your help... I appreciate it! Yeah will check on what needs to be done in order to have that part shipped from US to Philippines. :D

nice to see a fellow filipino here! good luck
i think you can just replace the rubber bushing only. but if you have budget go for motocraft.

nice to see a fellow filipino here! good luck
i think you can just replace the rubber bushing only. but if you have budget go for motocraft.

hey brother :D, do you have any idea on where to get the motocraft? I'm having difficulties looking for a shop that sell Explorer parts other than casa. Just called Casa and according to them they will be ordering the engine support from US as well.

hey brother :D, do you have any idea on where to get the motocraft? I'm having difficulties looking for a shop that sell Explorer parts other than casa. Just called Casa and according to them they will be ordering the engine support from US as well.

sorry bro, i'm afraid i cant help on that as i'm based in the UAE.
we have a lot of good mechanic there and for sure they can figure it out how to change the rubber bushing, if you're near banawe go there and find any shop that mold or create bushing and copy the oem.

if you go for oem motocraft for sure it will be assembly and expect for skyhigh price from casa ;)

sorry bro, i'm afraid i cant help on that as i'm based in the UAE.
we have a lot of good mechanic there and for sure they can figure it out how to change the rubber bushing, if you're near banawe go there and find any shop that mold or create bushing and copy the oem.

if you go for oem motocraft for sure it will be assembly and expect for skyhigh price from casa ;)

No worries brother, appreciate your help. God bless!

If this is anything like a Ford Focus mounting system, you should replace all mounts. Otherwise, you'll be chasing weak mounts back and forth, replacing this one again.

If that one has moved that much, the others have also. Just my .02

Had a loud clunk followed by a massive engine vibration today. Got the Ex up on the jack stands to have a look. The front bolt of the lower engine support insulator was loose. Upon further examination, it had sheared off. The tip still remains inside the casting where it mounts to the transaxle. I also saw the second bolt that is above it appeared to be back out a bit as well. Hopefully the dealer can take care of this rather quickly. I marked the bolt for them with a marker. The insulator itself looked fine, might have them put a new one on anyway.

Just an update, took it in and $300 later was fixed. Not only did they drill out the broken bolt but they also found 4 other missing bolts in the subframe. Starting to wonder if there was a shortage of bolts on the assembly line, or did they just run out lock-tite? At least it is fixed now.

Just an update, took it in and $300 later was fixed. Not only did they drill out the broken bolt but they also found 4 other missing bolts in the subframe. Starting to wonder if there was a shortage of bolts on the assembly line, or did they just run out lock-tite? At least it is fixed now.

Glad to hear that your issue was fixed already! I'm having difficulty looking for this part here in the Philippines as they are going to order it abroad so I have to wait for several weeks..... So I guess, the whole engine support assembly needs to be replaced? The rubber bushings can't be the only one replaced?
