Issues with PCM and PATS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Issues with PCM and PATS


May 1, 2011
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2008 Ford Explorer 4.0
Hello everybody. I am having no start issues, which seem to relate to either PCM or the PATS. Some pre-history. Around 3 years ago while crossing a pool of rather deep water (slightly higher than middle of the wheels) car stalled and would not start. At first it cranked but no start, but then stopped cranking at all. It lasted about 15 minutes like this, afterwards started and continued as if nothing happened. There was nothing on the dash.
Probably around a year later during rain it felt as if the engine went into a limp mode, and a wrench symbol came on the dash. Car was still drive able, the next morning everything was gone and it worked fine again.
Probably a year or so ago engine suddenly cut off, and it would not crank, exactly like what happened 3 years ago. But it lasted very short time, like a minute or so then started back up. This incident also happened a day after there was rain. Though, note that I had been driving during the rain and there were no issues and it was pretty dry when it happened. Also, no symbols, no check engine were displayed in the dash.

Now 3 weeks ago in the evening engine suddenly cut off and would not start or crank. Wrench symbol appeared on the dash. After many tries engine did start but run only for 20 seconds before cutting out again, and did not start anymore that evening. Tachometer would display an idle of about 700rpm, while the engine was actually off. It would do it for maybe 15 seconds before falling back to 0. Note that this was also after the rain a day or two ago. But again I had been driving during the rain with no issues at all, it was pretty much dry when the issue happened.
The next day engine did start, however, I was able to drive only about 0.3mile/500m before it went off again. After many attempts it did start once more but cut off again after 20 seconds and no starts afterwards, it would not even crank. Wrench symbol in the dashboard. Had the vehicle moved to the dealership and they have been looking at it since then with no success.

Vehicle is showing a lot of error codes, as shown below. Sometimes the PATS would fail to recognize the key, but it would correct itself after a retry. However, attempt at a crank would blank out the dashboard, plus the stereo would also go dark and restart (subsequently we have removed the stereo, as it does hook into the canbus).


Also, it seems sometimes the dashboard fails to communicate with the pcm, in the picture below you can see it is not displaying any data. This would sometimes correct itself without cycling the ignition, sometimes would not.
Currently two main possibilities are, either there is some short in the wiring, or the pcm is faulty. Would appreciate if anyone has any clues what it could be? Not sure how successful will be the dealership in checking the wiring for any shorts, but would hate to buy a new pcm to only find it does not solve anything.

The main codes as I understand are:
P1674 - Control Module Software Corrupted
P1260 - Theft Detected - Vehicle Immobilized
P1342 - PATS malfunction

Code P1674 appears from time to time. P1260 as I understand preventing the starter from engaging (starter itself is working) and is also cutting out the fuel pump.
Note that IDS was able to reinitialize the pcm module, which I understand means it copied out the data from it and re-write it back into it, though it did not change much.

Attempts at clearing the codes do not result in any success. After ignition is turned, about like 15-20 seconds later they re-appear resulting in no crank, or immediately if the starter is engaged. Starter itself engages only for like half a second then stops.

Battery is good.

Any resolution to this problem?

Any resolution to this problem?
Been long ago, but fully understand why you ask. My guess on this one based on the codes is water was thrown onto the firewall by the fan, got through the PCM connectors, and possibly killed the PCM, or severely damaged it. OTOH, moisture can remain within a harness inside all that tape and muck a mighty long time. imp
