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Items for PremiumCare Warranty


Explorer Addict
February 11, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Canton, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Mercury Mountaineer
Taking my Mounty in before the extended warranty runs out (Ford ESP PremiumCare). Trying to be prepared for disputes over what's covered. Here are my issues:
1. Stab. control light on solid. Will they cover this, or only if something has actually failed?
2. Driver power seatback switch. Should be covered.
3. Pass side vanity mirror assy detached from fabric on visor. Hanging by some threads. They said on the phone that this may be considered "trim" but they would look up. Is functional and has a light, so I think should be covered.
4. Hood-lift cylinders. No longer holding up the hood. Should be covered?
5. Exhaust/Manifold rattle at 3000-3500 rpm. I told them I'm concerned about a broken manifold bolt or cracked manifold. We'll see.

Any recommendations on what to expect?

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Taking my Mounty in before the extended warranty runs out (Ford ESP PremiumCare). Trying to be prepared for disputes over what's covered. Here are my issues:
1. Stab. control light on solid. Will they cover this, or only if something has actually failed?
2. Driver power seatback switch. Should be covered.
3. Pass side vanity mirror assy detached from fabric on visor. Hanging by some threads. They said on the phone that this may be considered "trim" but they would look up. Is functional and has a light, so I think should be covered.
4. Hood-lift cylinders. No longer holding up the hood. Should be covered?
5. Exhaust/Manifold rattle at 3000-3500 rpm. I told them I'm concerned about a broken manifold bolt or cracked manifold. We'll see.

Any recommendations on what to expect?

I have my extended warranty through Preferred Warranties. They are awesome, although they cover everything, obviously. I have the exhaust manifold broken bolt/ seal issue. Mine is an obnoxious tick tick tick tick when I start up cold that goes away after 60-90 seconds. Not covered, but going in for repair on Thursday.

I have had a few of these warranties and unless you get special coverage, anything with the word "exhaust" in it is generally not covered. Even with extended programs, they often only cover O2 sensors and the such..Good luck though, it certainly doesn't hurt to ask.

1 - Yes (most likely an ABS snap ring)
2 - No
3 - No
4 - No
5 - Maybe

Service rep told me this morning that the only thing questionable in her mind was the vanity mirror. Electrical switches are definitely covered, as are the exhaust & intake manifolds (if the manifold is actually the problem and has failed). The hood cylinders are not specifically listed as covered, but I see nothing in the "not covered" list where these could be categorized. They might put the visor mirror as "trim". But those cylinders are functional.

1. Stab. control light on solid.
Failed ABS control module. Replaced under ESP.

2. Driver power seatback switch.
Failed switch. Replaced under ESP.

3. Pass side vanity mirror assy detached from fabric on visor.
Not covered. $50 to attempt adhesive repair, or $250 for replacement.
Will repair/replace myself.

4. Hood-lift cylinders. No longer holding up the hood.
Worn out. Replaced under ESP.

5. Exhaust/Manifold rattle at 3000-3500 rpm.
Technician & manager could not reproduce. I drove with them and could not reproduce (typical!!).
Exhaust manifold and bolts inspected (free) and found to be in good condition.
Probably a buzzing heat shield that I just need to find.
