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Jade Pearl Update/Build Log

3rd bearing in the same spot or the 3 out of 4 are new now?

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3rd bearing in the same spot or the 3 out of 4 are new now?
The same wheel bearing, replaced it once at a gas station, the replaced it a few days later cause it was in the process of going again, due to the hub being a looser than it should be, and now this'll make the third time, all on the same wheel.

When I had the tires thrown on, no company would do it with used tires unless ya did some hole in the wall place, which is what I did, think they took them off the one wheel to try and make me come back, I can find the bits on all the wheels bit that one.
My suspension issues currently aren't helping it either I'm sure, that same wheel has the lower control rubbing on the inner brake rotor ring. Swear this truck will be practically fully rebuilt by this summer: engine and trans were rebuilt a few years ago, he did a gear swap a couple years ago, now I'm rebuilding the full suspension practically, going to almost fully redo everything brake related, etc... lol

Don't blame the tire for the wheel bearing. That cap tells me it's a front position, how much preload are you putting on the bearing? Too much or not enough will kill it quickly.

Don't blame the tire for the wheel bearing. That cap tells me it's a front position, how much preload are you putting on the bearing? Too much or not enough will kill it quickly.
Its the front driver, yes. Same as the other side, took the castle nut off both to be sure after the first replacement went kaput. Made they sure both match, neither felt loose or anything. Which is why I said I blame the balance, this time lasted much longer than the other time this happened, so it should be on there right.

All the wheels have weights on 'em, but that one, can see where they were previously. That's why I blame the company, ain't the first time I've taken a vehicle to the shop and they messed something else up or tried to claim something was wrong just to get me to come back lol

Well, replaced the bearing and it's already starting to go again, spindle is leaning down too far for me to get the dust cap back on and all, so it's going to have to wait till I can do the whole suspension to fix the lean, get her aligned and balanced too. Hopefully then that'll be the end of it for a while

But I got a new prop in finally: dragon skull from skyrim to replace the front skull, looking quite good! Thinking about leave the skull on the rack, can't decide how I feel about that one though. It at least one fun thing came in recently! May finish the four corner mod too since I'll have some down time.

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Forgot to mention, bearing is in, double checked everything is properly done. Definitely 10x smoother than it's been in a while. Just got to hopefully order the suspension and such next week and hopefully be done with the repairs for a while, then I can get back to the good stuff again. Definitely going to have to slow down on new stuff to save some funding back up, but as I've said before, I got plenty of lil' projects that have been hold for a while, examples to look forward to: grille lights, the four corner mod, maybe some lights lights for the dragons eyes vs grille lights to name a couple.

When you putting a blower on the engine?

When you putting a blower on the engine?
HA! No joke I'd love that, a supercharger and all would be sick! But my poor stock 4l60e wouldn't be happy about it lol

HA! No joke I'd love that, a supercharger and all would be sick! But my poor stock 4l60e wouldn't be happy about it lol
AAA then a new trans

Well, it wasnt exactly in the plans. But I got to visit a park for work today, and it just so happened to of rained earlier that morning. So, unintentionally, got the thing decently coated driving around out there, better looking than the pollen coat that was previously there lol

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Just got a fuel pump and fuel filter in finally, really need to get that pump in but I'm needing that kind of time for something like that. Though the filter I can probably do in the morning, that one should be pretty easy, filter is so tiny too, like the palm of my hand!!

Dad offered me some pods that he said he'd not use due to not having a real good amber/yellow for fog, the rgb just can't do it right. So now I got rid of those crappier ones I originally put on, and swapped in the rgb pods, suckers work nicely, especially with the lightbar as you'll see in the last few shots. Though I agree with him that some colors are odd, but I've found that it's nice looking with the green to match the sides, ran around a lil' like that now. But that's another side project done! Still may angle them outward a lil' for more spread since the bar already covers where they are for the most part. Excuse some of the pictures, was taking them between rain spurts, some just blatantly in the rain. Of the last few showing the brightness: first is just the pods, second is pods and headlights, third is pods, headlights, and light bar (also just realizing how dark my phone made those last few shots look, everything was much better illuminated, but I guess that works for the purpose of comparison there)

My one complaint about the pods, I can't control them together, they are controlled separately, so it takes a hot minute to mess with anything lol

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Dug an old project out from the explorer stuff, hood corner pod light mounts! Got 'em from GFE ages back and never got the chance to use 'em, but they seem to work okay on this truck! Though, the bottom of the bracket sticks out too far for my hood setup, spring whacks it on the way down vs the explorer hood shocks being not an issue, so I got to cut it down, drill some new holes in it, but I should be able to use those too! I'm going to have too many lights on this thing, I swear lol

Silver line in the last shot being where I plan to cut on each, so it sits flush with that fender lip seen in the second shot and the hood

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Well the pump and filter are now in, still some issues, like the acceleration stumble, which I believe may be due to either the throttle body or whatever is causing me to get an egr code even with a new egr valve. Also found that my carrier bearing on the driveshaft seems to be coming apart,  again. So I've nabbed another one, this time it comes with shields it seems which neither of the previous ones I threw on had, so I'm hoping that'll help it last longer from falling apart and/or keep crap out of it. She's road worthy, for now, she's just squeaky due to that bearing being a lil' abused there. Hopefully get to that tomorrow evening or Sunday, man I hate two piece driveshafts.

I'll add some updates when I got some, a lot to be done soon. Though one less thing on my plate: front control that was rubbing the brake rotor no longer appears to be as close to it, so something corrected itself I guess, but it still wore a good chunk of the control arm underside and the rotor away,. So I still have to replace all that too, but it ain't as urgent now that it's not getting worse, which I wont complain about cause I need a freaking break from repairs for a while, especially after having to do that dang pump!

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wair wasnt this called dinok build log for a bit? did the name change back? or do i just have brain fog :p

wair wasnt this called dinok build log for a bit? did the name change back? or do i just have brain fog :p
It was, but everyone's more used to Jade and we all still call her that so I just figured it can change back, be her main title lol

And so the Pearl lives again! New bearing is in, driveshafts on and she sails down the road like a beast again! Still got things to replace and/or rebuild, but nothing's urgent anymore.

And some more fun, I broke the dragon skull up on accident during a car wash cause I was lazy and did an automatic wash, forgot it was up there, the human one was never an issue. It was already a bit busted anyway, so I'll try and fix it but it won't be back on the truck most likely, may see if someone can make me an aluminum one or something! But for now the human skull is back in its original place of the grille and the ol' skelly is hitching a ride lol

Still got tiny skelly from the antenna that I may throw on the rack too, make it look like they're both riding along lol

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Got a lil' photoshoot done yesterday, was so nice to get out again








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Okay, just finished up fixing the dragon skull, just sharpie over the glue, eventually I'll use actual paint. Now the question is: keep the human skull on the grille like ol' times and current, or swap the dragon back up there again (and avoid automatic car washes again lol)? Thought?





