Just flew by 200k miles. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just flew by 200k miles.


Well-Known Member
July 18, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Utica, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
Just passed 200k miles. Based on past experience, about how much life do I have left in the thing? The rear end was just rebuilt. My mom thought it would be a great idea--i didn't share in her enthusiasm. I have to now fork over $500.00. SO, Do I put anymore money into it and enjoy it (Body lift, new mud tires, body work etc...)?

Dont have much dispensable income as well.

Do I buy a new truck or stick with this for awhile?

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Keep up on the maintenance and it'll treat you right and last.

Bud of mine just passed 300k in his Ranger. It hasn't been apart yet.

I 'think' I hear the timing chains :/ How long can they last before they start to affect performance? I have found shavings in the oil before is that a pretty good indicator that things are not going well?

I 'think' I hear the timing chains :/ How long can they last before they start to affect performance? I have found shavings in the oil before is that a pretty good indicator that things are not going well?
I don't know.
Get a magnetic oil drain plug. Thing with the timing chains is that one side is on the front of the motor and one side is on the rear and you pretty much have to pull the engine to change the rear one.

when mine goes i plan to do a 5.0 swap out of the simple fact that the design of the 4.0 cams is not great. and i agree magnetic oil bolt is a good buy.

194,000 and running great, stock and mostly original

LOTS of proper maintenance and no abuse.
