Just got my spacers today. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just got my spacers today.


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2009
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cypress, ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 xls
I drove up to upland and met up with brandon from BTF and picked up my spacers. I only bought the front two spacers which were 2.25 inches. Im planning on throwing these used bfgs that i got for free so im hoping they will fit with just the front spacers in. Do you guys think this will work with little to no rubbing.

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I drove up to upland and met up with brandon from BTF and picked up my spacers. I only bought the front two spacers which were 2.25 inches. Im planning on throwing these used bfgs that i got for free so im hoping they will fit with just the front spacers in. Do you guys think this will work with little to no rubbing.

If the tires are 265/765/16's they will fit no problem. I have an MT tread pattern and have never had issues with rubbing in the rear and 2.25" is plenty in the front to clear that size.

33's arent gonna work...

33's arent gonna work...

sure they will, i know for a fact cause i tried them on with my 2 inch in the front.... i just didnt want the crappy mileage.... to make them fit you need a rim that sticks out far!

I have a 265-70-17's on my explorer and have never had an issue with rubbing and those are about 32" tires.... im pretty sure that with brandons lift of 3 inchs(2.25') you could easly fit 1 more inch of tire.... i have a -25 offset on my wheels by the way... i have a set of 285-70-17's waiting to go on as soon as my lift gets here!!! :D

sure they will, i know for a fact cause i tried them on with my 2 inch in the front.... i just didnt want the crappy mileage.... to make them fit you need a rim that sticks out far!

assuming the Dirtdigger is going to run stock rims, it would not work... you would have to have rediculously back spaced rims. you would need basically 7'' deep dish rims lol

Will im fitting 31.70' tires on a stock explorer with a -25 offset wheel... im pretty sure you can clear a 33' tire with a 3 inch lift no problem.... if you have an aftermarket wheel.... i doubt stock will clear.... but you never know
