just installed 265/75-16 Bridgestone A/T Revo's -AWESOME!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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just installed 265/75-16 Bridgestone A/T Revo's -AWESOME!!!

just a post for those wondering...

Just installed the 265/75-16's on my stock suspension'd 98 4d Explorer. The only exception is that I do have Bilstein Shocks all around.

I've not been able to make the 265/75's scrub anywhere yet. Other post said that this size would scrub on the front, but mine will not. HOWEVER I'm sure the Bilstein shocks keep it from sagging as they are fairly stiff.

The Bridgestone AT Revo's are as quiet as my previous Michelin LTX M/S and ride just as smooth. The difference comes in the stability. The Michelins seem "goosey" but the Revos seem very glued to the road. To give the example my wife gave, backing out of our driveway you cross the curb/gutter system which w/ the Michelins rocked the Explorer back and forth quite a bit, but w/ the Revos it seems to stabilize much better and quicker.

Also, the tires look AWESOME -real beefy and manly!!!

It will change your speedometer as going from the 255/70 to 265/75 will change it about 5mph. However, my speedometer is now finally correct because after my silver face gauge install I was reading 5mph off the other way -so vhala, I'm now corrected, despite I know that my odemeter is spinning a bit slower.

Just fyi -hope it helps someone

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Good ta hear 'bout ya tires...

Did ya get any pics to show? Still havn't dropped money on tires yet, no rubbin? Kool. Have fun with 'em :D

I'm getting my tires on today, man I can't FREAKING wait to see the exploder with her new treads :exporange

we just got a set of pro comp 265/75r16 a/t's on our '00 and they just fit. with the wheel turned have about 1/2" between tire and the front of the inner fender. They do get a little loud at 70mph which doesnt bother me any but they do work very nice off road.

To test them we took the X up a short, steep hill run and even starting out at a crawl they didnt spin goin up to where with the goodyear rt/s we had to have a runing start and spun all the way up.

I just installed my 265/70R17's (goodyear MT/R's) THEY freakin rock! only problem is, my 03 rims dont stick out far enough for me to drive safely with them on, so I have to get wheel adapters.... what do you think...

p.s. didnt mean to hijack the thread, just thought I would share the wealth and enjoyment of new tires! congrats! .... oh by the way... these tires measure at 32.2" and my explorer is fully stock... perhaps biggest tire added to an X with no lift????!!



98Exploder5.0 said:
the tires look AWESOME -real beefy and manly!!!

Real BEEFY and MANLY! That's the best description of tires I have ever heard before. :D :thumbsup:

very nice. that looks great man. im getting the interco trxus sts radials in a couple weeks. i think im goin with the 29 inchers or 30. then hopefully if all goes well im goin to safe more money to get a suspension lift. but ya man that beast looks great
