Just ordered Kumho Road Venture AT KL78's | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Just ordered Kumho Road Venture AT KL78's


Well-Known Member
November 30, 2010
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Bayonne, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
White 1999 XLT SOHC v6

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I'm interested in hearing reviews too. I have looked into these, but am currently looking into the general grabber at2

At 90$ each... you cannot ask for miracles :)
Don't have experience with that specific type. But I did put Khumho tires on my wife's Sonata and after 35k miles are kind of worn out. The Michelin that I have on the Sable are still ok at double that milage.
From the notations I would say that they have a lower load index (105) than OEM.

At 90$ each... you cannot ask for miracles :)
Don't have experience with that specific type. But I did put Khumho tires on my wife's Sonata and after 35k miles are kind of worn out. The Michelin that I have on the Sable are still ok at double that milage.
From the notations I would say that they have a lower load index (105) than OEM.

I have had a great experience with Kuhmo's on my 2 Taurus SHO's in the past. I absolutely do not like Michelin, nothing personal. I think they are grossly overpriced, and in my experience, lousy tires. Sure they may last awhile, but they are subpar in every other category. I got rid of the michelins that came stock on my 07 mazda6 after less than 30k miles because i couldnt take the excessive squealing when only lightly "pushed", and the unsafe sliding in the rain. I replaced them with Yokihama Avid W4s's and got 72k quiet, corner hugging, rain gripping miles out of them. Oh and they were almost half the price.

Yokihama and Kumho are in my opinion great tires at great prices.

Im replacing Goodyear wranglers on the X, wich are incredibly dry rotted, and I believe the source of my harsh ride. We will see next week when i get them and have them installed.


I have these on my 96 and absolutely love them. That being said I've only put roughly 1000 miles on them but I have yet to have any issues with them. I don't notice any road noise from them and have had no issues in the snow despite trying to push their limits. For the money I think they are a great deal at this point but as I previously mentioned I haven't had them for all that long.

On tirerack you have all the specs of the tires. Including "treadwear" and "traction".
Also, remember that "green" tires that come with some cars (improving the milage) will have less traction available, therefore the squealing.

I'm interested in hearing reviews too. I have looked into these, but am currently looking into the general grabber at2


I had the Grabber at2s on my F150. I bought them because they were cheap and got great reviews. The first thing I noticed about them was that they dropped my gas mileage by 3-4 mpg compared to the factory tires. The tires would also flat spot after after sitting overnight. Every morning the truck would have a mild vibration until I drove about 5 miles. After that they would smooth out.
Lastly the tread life wasnt very good. I had 25K miles on them when i sold the truck and they only had about 25% tread left.

I will say this about them.... they were fantastic in rain,snow and ice.

Personally i wouldnt buy them again because of the tread life but mostly because of the mpg drop.

Just my opinion
