Key without built-in fob... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Key without built-in fob...


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2003
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City, State
Fort Mill, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Timberline w/TechPak
I'm just doing some research prior to replacing my '03.

It looks like the XLT has a key with the fob built-in. Is it possible to split the two - key and fob in seperate units?

I want to be able to duck hunt without worrying about my key getting wet...

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You can have a replacement key cut without the fob - but you can't start the vehicle without the fob, as it has the proximity circuitry built in. Any key will get you in the door.

I'm just doing some research prior to replacing my '03.

It looks like the XLT has a key with the fob built-in. Is it possible to split the two - key and fob in seperate units?

I want to be able to duck hunt without worrying about my key getting wet...

Don't the XLT come with an lock/unlock panel? I forgot the correct name. You can use that also to get in. Leave the keys in the car and lock it with the panel.

I use it also when biking and running....this way i dont have my fob on me.

Don't the XLT come with an lock/unlock panel? I forgot the correct name. You can use that also to get in. Leave the keys in the car and lock it with the panel.

I use it also when biking and running....this way i dont have my fob on me.

Yes it does. It's the same situation I've got now but I'm afraid to leave my truck parked at the landing with a working key inside. I already lost one Explorer by leaving a back-up key sewn into the pocket of a lifejacket.

So the key/fob combination has the 'chip' in it too? If so, can I get a key with the chip only - kind'a like the keys I have for the '03 and the '07 now?

Yes it does. It's the same situation I've got now but I'm afraid to leave my truck parked at the landing with a working key inside. I already lost one Explorer by leaving a back-up key sewn into the pocket of a lifejacket.

So the key/fob combination has the 'chip' in it too? If so, can I get a key with the chip only - kind'a like the keys I have for the '03 and the '07 now?

Maybe the next step up...i am sure SGT will chime in.

From the Owners Guide;

Your IKTs are programmed to your vehicle; using a non-programmed key
will not permit your vehicle to start. If you lose one or both of your IKTs,
replacements are available through your authorized dealer. Standard
SecuriLock keys without remote entry transmitter functionality can also
be purchased from your authorized dealer if desired

Not sure if that is what you are after.


From the Owners Guide;

Your IKTs are programmed to your vehicle; using a non-programmed key
will not permit your vehicle to start. If you lose one or both of your IKTs,
replacements are available through your authorized dealer. Standard
SecuriLock keys without remote entry transmitter functionality can also
be purchased from your authorized dealer if desired

Not sure if that is what you are after.


Thanks Peter - that nailed it. Perfect and a good answer.
