Kick Azz Rocker Rails! By: CBoug76 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Kick Azz Rocker Rails! By: CBoug76


Elite Explorer ECX Member
Moderator Emeritus
November 23, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Dracut, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Sport
Write up will follow, when Install & Fabrication is Done! Right now the rail is too long and rubs the front tire when I turn.




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1. You will need to 'close in' the bottom of those rails, or rocks, etc will get caught up in them.

2. 2 frame mounts will definitely not be enough.

3. heheh...I made mine a touch too long as well. If I move up to 37's, they'll probably rub.


Originally posted by tiessen
1. You will need to 'close in' the bottom of those rails, or rocks, etc will get caught up in them.

2. 2 frame mounts will definitely not be enough.

Answer to #1,
What you see is the Top, the Bottom is Completley Flat! The Body will be in the open area, making it so I only Loose 1" of ground clearance at the Rockers.....

Answer to #2,
I already had it Mounted to the frame and I was able to lift the Truck up by it.... I had the Lift pads at the ends of the rails and lifted it like 12+ inches off the floor, it NEVER bent! if the floor wasn't so slippery, I could have flipped the truck right over!

What have your costs been so far? And are you looking at maybe producing some for the rest of us??????

Now I get it. Cool design.

The Beauty of having my Dad work in Construction In and Around a Big City(Boston) is that These Rails have not cost me ANY thing! He had everything Needed, I just had to Figgure out how to make it all work together.

AddKev, I barley have time to finish this project, what makes you think I would make them for everyone else! If I could I would but I can't. I have only made the Pass. Side, I have the Drivers side Preped, but I still have to bend it and weld it all up! Not to mention Drop the Gas tank so I can drill the frame.

I have seen people repetedly try to make sliders that only attach at the frame only to find out later that it just doesnt work, I mean they work but without the additional support of tapping into the body seam, they will bend, break, or even worse rip the frame.

So yes they may hold the truck up when you put a jack under them but for hardcore wheeling they usually bend....of course if you dont do hard core wheeling like some of these nutty fella's out here who cares right?

Just keep us posted how well they hold up.....

I will!

I know that they will do what I want them to do, Which is protect the Bottom edge of the Body between the wheels....

One More thing I plan on doing in the Future is to cut slots in the rail so that I can hook my Bumper Lift attachment on and use the Hi-Lift Jack on it, Other wise the Jack would slide.....

Originally posted by 410Fortune
I have seen people repetedly try to make sliders that only attach at the frame only to find out later that it just doesnt work, I mean they work but without the additional support of tapping into the body seam, they will bend, break, or even worse rip the frame.

So yes they may hold the truck up when you put a jack under them but for hardcore wheeling they usually bend....of course if you dont do hard core wheeling like some of these nutty fella's out here who cares right?

Just keep us posted how well they hold up.....

Believe me, some out there, with only 2 frame mounts will NEVER bend, break, move, or anything. They can be used as a jacking point, or a winching point also.

Please don't bulk all of anything together.

Originally posted by 410Fortune
I have seen people repetedly try to make sliders that only attach at the frame only to find out later that it just doesnt work, I mean they work but without the additional support of tapping into the body seam, they will bend, break, or even worse rip the frame.

So yes they may hold the truck up when you put a jack under them but for hardcore wheeling they usually bend....of course if you dont do hard core wheeling like some of these nutty fella's out here who cares right?

Just keep us posted how well they hold up.....
I'm sure some will, but 2 is all ya can get away with em, but when mine are made, I'm sure im gonna have 3 frame mounts...

Chris, are these going to cover up the stock ground effects?

Chris, is there any chance that you will sell a set of these? I am VERY interested!

They will protect the stock ground effects that I have, Mine are the style that goes with the Tube Steps....

I'd love to sell some, but I am unalbe to complete the one and only set I will make for myself as it is!

Chris, any luck on dropping the gas tank to drill the frame yet? I've got some on my truck and i was able to get one hole drilled on the DS rear with out droping the tank. The freaking brake lines are in the way too and they have almost no play in them what so ever.

Happy trails!!

Chris, in that case, do you happen to have a drawing made that has the dimensions on it? Thanks man.

Nope no Drawing on this, it was just a cut and see if it Fit process....

410fortune I have seen people repetedly try to make sliders that only attach at the frame only to find out later that it just doesnt work, I mean they work but without the additional support of tapping into the body seam, they will bend, break, or even worse rip the frame.

So yes they may hold the truck up when you put a jack under them but for hardcore wheeling they usually bend....of course if you dont do hard core wheeling like some of these nutty fella's out here who cares right?

Just keep us posted how well they hold up.....

i am building my frame sliders and was only doing frame mounts , where else should i tie them in at any help would be appriciated......and any pics would be appriciated

410fortune I have seen people repetedly try to make sliders that only attach at the frame only to find out later that it just doesnt work, I mean they work but without the additional support of tapping into the body seam, they will bend, break, or even worse rip the frame.

So yes they may hold the truck up when you put a jack under them but for hardcore wheeling they usually bend....of course if you dont do hard core wheeling like some of these nutty fella's out here who cares right?

Just keep us posted how well they hold up.....

i am building my frame sliders and was only doing frame mounts , where else should i tie them in at any help would be appriciated......and any pics would be appriciated

2 minor suggestions, the quote button works wonders and check the thread dates, this one is alittle over 4 years old...

man alot can happen in 4 years, there are plenty of frame only sliders that are bulletproof

I thought it was a no-no to do frame and body mounts, since the body flexes MUCH more then the frame? I am about to take my first welding class, and was planning on making some of these as a project. Should I tap onto the body? I thought most were just frame mounted?

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if your body is attached to the frame using urethane or solid body mounts then they flex together

Moast are just frame mounted, but if you use the rocker pinch weld on the explorer properly it can work just fine.
