KKM installed but have a question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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KKM installed but have a question


Moderator Emeritus Elite Explorer ECX Member
Moderator Emeritus
April 27, 2001
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City, State
Oceanside, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
03 4Runner SR5
I just installed the KKM intake kit and it was pretty easy took about a half an hour. But below the stock air box, there is a small platform the airbox sat on. I was having trouble taking it off so i left it there. Will the interfere; Should i have ripped it out?

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It shouldnt be a problem, at least your KKM kit fit your ex, I had to do a lot of moving stuff around to get mine to fit, and to this day it still has tie-wraps holding down.

That platform that holds the airbox assembly in place is attached by two bolts. You can access them under the wheel well. Feel under there and you will feel them. Easy to remove with a ratchet.

If you do remove them you'll have two holes there in your wheel well, so be aware water and dirt might splash thru them and into your KKM. You might consider removing the plastic holder thing and then putting the bolts and nuts back in the holes so that won't happen.


I left mine on. It gives me a platform to add any smaller 3rd party accessories under the hood, while also acting as a splash shield for the KKM. I spent the past weekend mudding and the only part of the engine compartment with little to no mud spray on it was the KKM!!!

It doen't seem to restrict the air flow into the KKM so IMHO why remove it?


I totally agree with jim on this one!! Leave the platform on. Mine has been on for 3 months. Its been through water, mud, and sand and still isn't dirty. Its truely amazing!! just my 2 cents
