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koeo 96 code Help please!!


August 9, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
British Columbia , Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 XLT 4x4
code 96 - fuel pump circut open ,batterry to PCM . 94, 4.0l stock xlt 4x4 question where should I start with this? Truck surges bad off and on while driving and at idle and then when I reset codes and check everytime it surges the code comes up as well as in the memory. just dont know where to start looking for this could really use some advice.
Thanks Deb

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The first thing I would do would be to pull the codes again and make sure you're correctly counting. A '94 should output 3 digit codes rather than 2 digit codes.

oops! my mistake

okay my fault I did give you the wrong code, so sorry for that.
code 542 koeo - fuel pump circut open pcm to motor.
I have read up on it and will change the relays this week if it's not the relays I'm leaning towards the PCM as we have changed nearly all sensors, sending units, the motor you name it,I mean we have spent alot of $ on this truck!
The other question is does it matter which pcm I get ( if the relays don't work!) the wreckers only seem to have a M and unable to come across an N any where with out going to ford.
Thanks Deb

I have read up on it and will change the relays this week if it's not the relays I'm leaning towards the PCM as we have changed nearly all sensors, sending units, the motor you name it,I mean we have spent alot of $ on this truck!
I wouldn't recommend going after the PCM just yet. PCM is the absolute last thing I would go after.

I had an intermittent 542 for a long time on my '92. When it started to not start sometimes, I decided it was time to track it down. Turned out to be a bad connection/wire between the fuel pump fuse and the relay. Spliced in a new conductor and off I went.

It sounds like you've replaced several components in hopes of fixing it. I could be wrong, but I doubt that includes every inch of conductor and every connector in the fuel pump circuit. It might just be time, even though it seems tedious, to grab a voltmeter and a wiring diagram, and diagnose the fuel pump circuit properly.

Thanks I'll change relays first and go from there. This is not going to be fun I can tell !!!!

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