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Late model SOHC exhaust question


New Member
December 7, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Black 2003 XLT
Hi all... Got rid of the '03 GT at the lady's request (let the flaming begin...), but I have every intention of making this ride a firebreather. So far, just a K+N (hey, I've only had it a month). The FIPK will come soon enough. Anyway, on these 4.0 SOHC mills, what is a better exhaust- straight through (like magnaflow or bullett) or a baffled (like dynomax or flowmaster). I plan on going pretty quiet since it is a V6... :rolleyes:

1. Does the 4.0 like a little backpressure, or no?
2. In quieter mufflers, who has what?

Thanks all...


it all depends on what you want the more free flowing the more top end the more backpressure to an extent the more low end whatever muffler you get i would stick with 2.5 inch piping and sine you want quiet i strongly reccomend a gibson system

I have the SUV50 by Flowmaster.
It is not loud at idle. Has a nice growl at 2,500 rpm
lets out a nive loud yell when you punch it.
It is a nice combo of loud & quiet.
I am pleased with it.
