Leaky seal on tranny shift linkage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leaky seal on tranny shift linkage


Well-Known Member
December 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
I was changing my fuel filter this morning and saw that I have a pretty good leak coming out of my tranny shifter where it attaches to the transmission (automatic in case you haven't guessed).

Its leaking right under the 1/2" bolt where the shift linkage connects to the tranny on the passenger side.

I talked to the parts guy and they didn't have any o-rings or seals to put in there. Anyone else had this problem or know how to plug it? I haven't disected it yet but I think its just an o-ring.

There is a seal (not sure what type) on the shift shaft. You may have to go to a tranny rebuilder to get the seal, as it usually isn't listed as a seperate part in most part store catalogs.

Most any parts store will be able to get the seal. To get the shift shaft out can be a real bear, though. After removing the TV lever, the pan comes off and there is a pin into the pan rail that comes out to remove the shift lever - some of these aren't fun...
