Shift Linkage Bad Only 48,000 miles! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shift Linkage Bad Only 48,000 miles!


New Member
September 4, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Henderson, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT
I have 1998 XLT w/ only 48,000 miles. Last night the 4x4 Low indicator lite came on while I was driving in Auto. It never sifted into low the lite just came on. Then the o/d off light started blinking. Tried a few things lights still on. This morning I took it to the dealer and the report is that the shift linkage is bad. This just doesn't seem plausable that a siftlink would go out after only 48,000 and really only lite use in 4x4.

Of couse they didn't seem entirely convinced that this was the problem or the only problem.

Anyone else experience this? Any suggestions?

Scan the computers for codes... that should tell the mechanic where to start looking. I doubt it's a bad shift linkage. Maybe out of adjustment but not bad.

Thanks for the tip. They did scan the computer which is where they are getting the bad shift linkage code (supposedly). I don't have alot of faith in this dealer. So I did call them back and asked if they checked it for adjustment before saying its totally bad.

Again thanks!

Well dealer just called it wasn't the shift linakge afterall. Now he's saying its the shift relay switch. Even though this is an electronic part I still don't think it should go bad in under five yrs and under 50K.
