Leather Seat Replacement/OEM Covers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Leather Seat Replacement/OEM Covers?


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2014
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1994 Ford Explorer XLT
I'm frustrated with this one. I like my factory seats, they are leather (the color is "Mocha" or tan, if you prefer to call it that). I will be damned if I can find these seats in this color in any sort of condition that doesn't make me think someone took a knife to them in a fit of rage.

I'd love it if I could just get the covers off of one in nice shape. I don't even really need or want the whole seat. Just the OEM covers for both the seat back and the bottom, for both driver and front passenger. Prefereably without paying some price that makes me think they somehow have gold integrated into their construction.

Any ideas, guys?

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I know it can be done, just not having any luck finding the right color in leather. And I wanted to do both seats. I'm pretty much seeking a source for the OE seat covers that I haven't tried or thought of yet. I'd like to get my Ex back to looking new, slowly but surely. :)

I do remember that thread...I just wish I could find the covers. ;)

No salvage yard in my area seems to have any in decent shape. So I have to find the covers. I can put them on with no issue. I just have no luck finding the right color in good shape to swap them out. I was just trying to clarify what I was looking for in my original post, so maybe someone could point me to a place or person who has the covers or a seat that they can come off of.

Junk yard is your best bet. Normally the passenger side is in great shape compared to the drive side. I don't know if there was different shades of the light tan I only seen one shade. But some could of faded more then others. I found seen some leather bottoms only on ebay but there expensive like $200.

That's been my problem. All my research points to mocha being the only tan color for first gens in both cloth and leather interiors. I could only find cloth today, and one badly damaged EB leather seat at the yards. I looked online and only found very expensive stuff. The guy in the other thread got off -extremely- lucky with his $60 find. Maybe I'll find something like that.

But...if anyone finds anything, lemme know. I am desperately trying to avoid the cost of shipping entire seats, as just the leather would be so much cheaper and tons more convenient. :)

Aside from that, there are vehicle specific aftermarket seat covers available. I learned it would cost $1,000, if you don't want mismatched seats. Nooooo thank you to THAT. I could have someone do the work for that much!

I don't know if you got yards over there that let you pull your own parts. The one I have near me I see fresh X's everytime I go out there. Seems there are still lots of these X's still coming into the JY's. Well if I was to find one there $40.99 for leather seat manual with tracks. Would have to charge for the time to remove the seats and bring them home. Then it have to be torn apart to get the covers off more charge for that time. By the time its ready to ship. I don't know what someone time to do all that is worth. It be cheaper if you could buy them in your area..

I have Dickies seat covers. There ok I got the XL ones there tan in color they sort of fit loose but I like that better then the ones that always seem to be too tight cause our seats are kinda big. Then my sons bought me one of those cargo seat covers for my BD. They have cargo pockets on the backside its made by Trekker. I laid that over my Dickie cover. Pep Boys sells them.

We have a nice self serve yard here. Usually lots of Explorers around. But they were pretty empty today. Making room for more doners. I shall keep rooting around. I might get real lucky and find some covers already off. I should have bought those when I saw them. I didn't need them then!

Someone broke into my Ex while it was at a shop overnight. Took my stereo, sub, amp, wiring harness, and 200 CD's. They were nice enough to stick what I think was a screw driver through my leather and break a window. Real nice guys.

That sucks. My X has been broken into once years ago. Broke out the passenger corner window. Stole the face plate to my stereo didn't even get the unit. Tried to pull up my Rancho air pump to my shocks that was screwed to the floor must of thought it was stereo related. But didn't even get that cause to many wires and vacuum lines connected to it. Thats it just my face plate but useless without the unit. I went years with a piece of card board taped over the missing window before I finally fixed it.

Ouch! Luckily, the owner of the shop, whom I've known a while, replaced my glass. His insurance company will cover the stereo stuff. They won't do the leather, because they "aren't sure it wasn't damaged before". It took two days worth of talking to convince them there was a stereo in it to begin with.

How close to South Dakota are you? I was at Nordstroms Ewe Pullet a month or so ago, they have a 2nd gen with tan leather seats, they had some snow on them, but they were in pretty good shape. I'd bring a battery if you want to take the whole seat(s). I don't remember how much per seat, but to buy both front and rear from Nordstroms it was 110-120 for them to pull it.

I didn't see any seats with the built in center console, but Nordstroms may have them on their website.

Not that far, but far enough for it to take a lot of planning and some time off work. I used to live in South Dakota. :p

Then it probably wouldn't be worth going to Ewe Pullet for a pair of seats. Did you try Lems Auto Salvage?

We have a pull-your-own here, but it didn't have anything. Maybe if it hasn't been resolved by the time I get up to South Dakota again, I'll take a look there. :)

I ordered a leather replacement seat skin for one of the seats on my Bronco recently from Richmond Auto Upholstery in Texas. Ordered it from their eBay store; they don't list the 91-94 Explorer on there but may offer it anyways so you might give them a call (831-421-2176). It wasn't cheap, about $200 for just the bottom, but it is a dead ringer for OEM and the leather is soft and high quality. It was an easy 95% match for stock, only had to slightly modify a couple of the clips on the underside. Pretty pleased with it.

Check with upholstery shops in your area too, they may do it cheaper. If they have a good reputation anyways.

Thanks! If all else fails, I just might have to talk to an upholstery shop. But it'd be nice to spend less than $40 at a junk yard. :p I know, I know. I'm a cheap skate.

Alright, I give up. I found a 95 with leather seats. Same color as mine in nice shape. Was -really- hoping not to have to resort to 2nd gen seats, but it's a good deal, and it matches. They bolt right in, it seems, but before I get them, is the wiring all connected the same as a first gen? Just curious. Want to get all I need in one trip.

EDIT: So, a thought I just had was to get the back seats too. Without being able to look right now, do they bolt on the same as well?

I am slowly getting to some of the yards around here. Have been keeping an eye out for you also. Havn't found anything yet but still looking. If you get those for sure let us know. Arne.

I did get those seats. Way too good of a deal to pass up. They are 2nd gen seats, but meh, same color. Might get the back seats next week if they are just bolt in (headrests!).

I do appreciate the extra set of eyes, though. This forum rocks, and you guys are great help. I am considering joining the ranks of the Elite. :)

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Just one question popped into my head. These seats are out of a '95. Should the wire connectors work, or do I have to get those, too?
