left rear tail light not working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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left rear tail light not working


December 21, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Derby Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT
My 1992 explorer left rear tail light isn't working. Yesterday I had to replace the bulb and then noticed that the tail light wasn't working. Brake light comes on signal comes on, but no tail light. I assume that it was working before but not sure. What can I check or look for?

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i had a similar problem, i couldnt figure out why the signal and tail light worked, but the left brake light wouldnt kick in. i changed bulbs, checked fuses, checked connecotr pins and they were all good. then i followed the actual wire harness that went from the light assembly all the way to the front of the truck. just a few feet in and i noticed a small kink in the harness that looks like it was hit by a rock. i opened up the harness and sure enough the green wire that went to the brake light was severed from whatever kinked the harness, but left all of the other wires in perfect shape. i reconnected and taped it up and i was good to go. if all else fails, check the actual wire harness, the black hose that houses the tailight wires for any kinks, rips, or tears. good luck!

Start by using a test light and testing the connector in the socket. If you're not getting juice there, then the problem is either the socket or the wiring in front of it. It's easier to probe wires with a test light than stripping wires looking for a break.

I've determined that the problem is in the new bulb. Never assume that a new bulb is good. But after getting it to work now there is a problem in the headlight switch. It appears to be common but to get to the switch I will have to remove the trim panel covering it. Everyone says how simple it is but I really don't want to break any of the clips does anyone have a good pic of these clips or a removed panel or anything?

Luckily for me your having one of the same problems i came on here for tonight. Although my dilemma is turn signal and tailight work, but when i brake it doesn't. I'll be giving an update tomorrow as to what my problem was.

i really think this is a factory defect. ive been told my left brakelight, and only ever the left brakelight, is out. then all the sudden its working again. happens all the time, ive changed the bulbs once to try and figure it out.

to further back it up, ive followed behind jd4242 on forum trips and his left brakelight goes out every now and then also. 91 i think.

ekamm: if the problem is in the HL switch, then neither of your tail lights should work. I thought you were only having problems with one TL.

As I said earlier the problem with the left tail light is solved after looking closely at the bulb one of the filaments was broken. However now if the switch is fully pulled out the headlights come on , but the both rear tail lights are out. If you fiddle a little with how far you pull the switch out (push it in slightly) then they come on. On a side note if the door is open you can tell that the tail lights are on when the chime sounds. When the headlights are on, switch fully out the chime is off (weird). You can get the parking lights to light but, only by moving the witch around. The normal stop on the switch for the park lights won't get them to work.
