Left vents blow hot - Right vents blow cold??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Left vents blow hot - Right vents blow cold???


New Member
May 31, 2012
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Chattanooga, Tn
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Ford Explorer
I have a 2005 Ford Explorer Eddie Bauer...it has dual electronic climate control...When running the AC I get cold air coming from the passenger vents and hot air from the driver vents...What is causing this? I thought after reading and reading that the blend door actuator was broken so I look apart the dash to replace it...before I unbolted the actuator, I turned the car on and changed the temp from hot to cold and cold to hot several times...it appears that the actuator is working because I can see and hear the square spindle rotating as I roll from hot to cold...Am I right? is the actuator working right? What is my problem? Thanks!

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run a scan tool on your ac system and check the codes the codes that come to mind are 2266 is for a Left Side Blend Door circuit failure and the 2267 is for a Right Side Blend Door circuit failure. hope this helps

most likely your just low on freon. Mine does the same thing, i was able to fix it with a 2 cans. One way to tell is on a hot day or with the car sitting in the sun for a while, turn the A/C on to Max Fan and Max Cold you should see the A/C compressor come on and stay on. If it cycles right away its low. I've got the rear A/C that takes about 56oz, you might need 1-3 cans if its really low.

If its just low on freon, why would the passenger vents be cold and the drivers vents be warm...do explorers have two sets of coils or do the lines split somewhere? Thanks

I think the drivers side comes from the passenger so by the time it hits its warmer??? Idk lol pulled that atta my a$$ like a loose tampon.

Funny this thread just popped up, I noticed yesterday that my ex was blowing warmer (not hot, just not ice cold) air on the vent by the drivers side door than the freezing cold air coming out of the 2 center vents.

Any fix?

Funny this thread just popped up, I noticed yesterday that my ex was blowing warmer (not hot, just not ice cold) air on the vent by the drivers side door than the freezing cold air coming out of the 2 center vents.

This is exactly what's happening to my 04 Mountaineer. Is it just low on Freon? Is there a fix? I notice this thread is rather old.

I am having the same issue with my 03. Even had the freon checked.

Max ac settings on both sides. Right two vents ice cold, left two vents just mildly cold. Without ac on I'm still able to control temp on both sides and it does change..so I guess it's not something stuck on heat¿? I don't know...

i am about to work on an 04 with the same issue as the original post. drivers side is blowing HOT and the passenger side is blowing COLD. my best guess so far is the blendoor motor failure under the dash.

anybody know which one controls the heat/cold function?
