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lets get a meet going in new york

Rudy A

Well-Known Member
August 30, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 sport
comeon where my new yorkers at.......lets get something going

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Why's it just have to be New Yorkers? *grin*.
Find a place, date and time and I can let you know if I can go. No sense in committing if I don't know where and when.

i need people first.......... im new to this..............and not just new yoekrs but everything else is in like west coast...ntohing going on anywhere close to me :(

I wouldn't mind to try some wheeling for the first time but my X is stock and has 156,x.. on the odometer it would have to be somewhere near by I don't wanna get stranded or kill my X because it is my DD. Is the anywhere close that has easy trails.

Im down depending on place and time, almost stock but I think my X is up to the task of some off roading. manual hubs, new tranny 10k miles ago, 31x 10.5 tires and soon i believe im putting a 2 inch BL depending on money flow lol. 2in sorry for the typo.

a 4 inch BL.... are you making one?

im at Ramapo College now. id be down for a meet somewhere. have a dozen or so off road adventures under my belt.

Rudy, dont know if you are familiar with paragon AP, but its one of the biggest offroad parks on the east coast, and depending on where you are in new york it may not be to far from you. If you go there, there will probably be about 3 people who i know that would be willing to go, not including myself. Currently there is a run in the works for October 29th, so look into it. Paragon Adventure Park

I'm up for a run. but where? Where in ny are you from? I don't know of any places around here. (in jersey that is) I,m in bergen county.

im in staten island and brooklyn.........im not really into the offroading as my truck is more for a street look......i may change it soon but not sure..........i just like to see what other people have done to their explorers and what not....

anybody have any spots around them that we can just chill at? Im new to my area so im not too sure of where would be a good place. Maybe like a McDonalds, get some food then just chill at the cars.

anywhere ..lets just make a time and a place where everyone can find easily.........have a little get together... take some pics....help eachother out with mods.........suggestions..........good stores......blahhhhhhhhh

a mall parking lot? definetly would have enough room to park there. idk of other places that we will have enough room for.

im not posotive but i belive there are some off road places in jersey off the GWB but dont quote me on that. and if we cant figure something out we can all do with our trucks then we could just meet somewhere like said above. maybe one of jerseys many malls lol.

From what i have read, there is a spot in Mahwah which is not far from all from NY. Back by where i live there are 2 places, but arnt exactly legal. Its pretty much if u get caught you may get in trouble.

I'm in.

im on another explorer forum...........they are going to be getting a meet together in long island...on a saturday next month...............let me know if interested

whats the other forum? and if they dont mind definetly post it here. probably could get a couple people from here to go.


Saturday October 15th We Got A Meet Going

It Will Be @ Roosevelt Field Mall Around 4-5:00....and Hang Around Til It Gets Dark So Those Of You With Neons Can Show Them Off Also..

Lets Get Like 20 Trucks.....help Eachother Do Installs And Give Construstive Criticism And What Not...

Lets Go

Im Psycheddddddd

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more ny ppl, now im gunna have to start the offical thread now, be sure to chim in....!!!
