Life happened and now . . . | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Life happened and now . . .


New Member
April 7, 2018
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1998 ford, Eddie Bauer
Life happened and now I am forced to fix my own '98 Explorer, something unthinkable since I haven't much skill. But I am here because I want to learn, though there are far fewer days ahead of me than behind.

I always feared that if I tried to fix something it would never run again. So I plan to start with the non-critical areas like straightening the rear bumper, getting all the electric locks to work, etc..

I am looking forward to the adventure.

Welcome to the site. I’m sure you will be able to find all the info on that second gen you have. What motor?

Thanks MBrooks, i have a 6 cycle Eddie Bauer with about 200,000 miles on it, which i hear is a miracle by itself. Replacing the radiator has been the biggest repair since I bought it almost 20 yrs ago. I am thankful it has lasted so long.

Well good luck, lot's of resources on this site. And if you have maintained it really well then they tend to run for a long time. People aren't so good at maintenance these days.
