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Lift Laws

Nobody enforces the California law. My neighbor has an F250 with at least a 12 inch lift rocking like 40 inch tires. The thing is big enough to stuff my truck in the back.

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Just because someone else is doing it does not make it legal.

4wheel and off road magazine is going over lift laws in the last few issues.

I recommend you guys be checking these out!! It would suck to get to the middle of a certain state and be told you cannot operate your vehicle there. That would mean a tow home--

I was very surprised to see Colorado s very lift unfriendly. Basically no suspension mods allowed-
I also understand the Sates are looking for every cent of revenue.

This site is a good reference would probably be a good idea to check with your local police if you are unsure though.

Lift Laws Index

And just for fun, here are my state's vehicle modification laws.

Oregon Lift Laws

Great job BKennedy :thumbsup: Would have made a nice handout for me to use a few years ago. Keep up the good work. Hope to meet you at Truck Haven in Jan 2011.

anything on alabama? links won't load on my stupid phone.

guy my husband used to play baseball with has a 08 f250 with a 17.5" lift 4 link, fox racing shocks, king coilovers and 40" Baja tires...and he was right at the legal limit in texas (as long as center of headlight is no more than 50" above road your good...i think that is what he said

Eesh.. so glad I don't live in Cali.

We have no state inspection here in Minnesota but I know for a fact they will write you a ticket fast if your tires protrude from the wheel wells.:D

Going by that ^^^ KY actually just edges you out... nobody cares if your tires have bulges, cuts etc (or tread, for that matter)... However, apperently we have lower bridges... 11'6 " max height. Oh, and we only have to have brakes that stop us from 20MPH in under 40' , and no listing of how many brakes that it takes to do this, so, it looks like my one front brake that likes to lock up when you use it is just right. :roll:

Anyone have the lift laws for Pennsylvania, specically western Pa.? I know their rough here in Alleghaney County (Pittsburgh), just never knew how bad.

:thumbsup:Thanks man, I appreciate it.

I'm giving you a warning for being legal

Indianapolis, Indiana

I have the upmost respect for our fine Indiana law enforcement, but I had no choice but to rib the officer a little or at least enough to make him remember me. Granted, he was more likely to find a mobile meth lab in a '94 Explorer with 10" of lift -well, I give it 3 to 1 odds anyway. What he found was a computer nerd with a cargo space full of vintage Star Wars collectibles which I had just scored on my lunchbreak from the local Goodwill, which I doubt he interpreted as a threat unless he was a Sith Lord.

Here's how it went down:

Officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
Me: "Not really."
Officer: "May I see your license and registration?"
Me: Silently handed them over as they were both ready.
Officer: "This vehicle has been modified from it's factory ride height, and have you changed the muffler in anyway? It sounds too loud, which are both the reasons are why I pulled you over."
Me: "Yes, It's about 10" of lift but I'm pretty sure it's legal, I'm not sure exactally what the maximum height is off hand, but I think it's 36" to the bumper.
Officer: "Well, I'll have to make a call to code enforcement in order to find out, as I'm not sure what it is either but it looks to be too high. Do you have any weapons in the vehicle?"
Me: "No weapons." (Thinking to myself: "These aren't the droids your looking for", I was preoccupied with a Star Wars theme on the brain at this point.)

While I was waiting for the officer to run my license, I proceeded to take a couple snapshots for my Facebook and Explorer forum post, I chuckled, and hoped no warrants came back on me. After a couple minutes:

Officer: "Well, it's 42" bumper height and I don't have a tape measure, but I think you're OK. I wrote you a warning."
Me: "I think I have a tape measure, we can measure if you want. Now I'm curious what the height is."
Officer: "If you want to that's fine, please have a good day."
Me: "You too, have a good one!"


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So what was the height of your bumper anyway? Seems odd that he didn't measure it to confirm that it was in violation before he issues a warning.

Yeah, that does seem weird. Also, all of us lifted 1st gen guys make meth in our rides now? Why didn't I get the memo?

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Bumper Height awareness

As most situations with police, they are never overly forthright for the reason you're being pulled over, all you have is what they give you; tail-light, turn signal, iratic lane change, never the reason that you're suspicious. If I was an overly sensitive bung-hole, I'd call it "profiling", that's why I made my Meth lab comment.
I was stuck in traffic, with a construction merging zone in front of me. However, I didn't need to wait with the rest of the idling cars. I noticed a shorter route and could turn left out of traffic 1 light short of my desired destination, but what I didn't notice was an IPD (Indianapolis Police Dept) cruiser behind me till I decided to turn left after a delayed time. He probably took it as though I didn't want a squad car behind me and figured I was being evasive, I can assure you that's not the case though. I do not fault him for this, or any officer doing his job. He's looking for the unusual in that regard, in his defense I am unusual! And I meant it when I said I have respect for law enforcement. The side of town I was on is not known for it's abundance of overachievers or it's overpopulation of rocket scientists.
This was not at about the lift, it just gives an example of the attention it draws, good or bad. I didn't get a ticket, only a very humorous warning of which gave me the most excitement I've had all day, unless you count the adrenaline rush of finding late 70's space toys.

To answer the most important question; Front is 29" and rear is 27". Both measurements are to the lowest point of the bumper.

As for the pictures, that's me in the suit on the left, probably not what type of person he was expecting but who owns this fine rig; on the right's an officer buddy of mine.



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