Liftgate Window Support Strut | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Liftgate Window Support Strut


Well-Known Member
September 19, 1999
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The liftgate window support struts (gas support cylinders) would no longer keep my 91 Ex window in the open position. It appears that the Ford replacements cost around $50 each. I found that Ezparts sells them (ebay), I purchased a pair, and they were easy to install. It appears that one of the struts was shot, the other still sort of worked.

Also, the liftgate support struts or "gas assist cylinders" failed (this all happened in about 2 weeks ??? does hot weather age them ??), and one of the strut attachments broke off. This is called the "hatchback liftgate support device" and there is a NHTSA Campaign ID number 951007000 for the 1991-1995 model years. There is another thread on the liftgate support struct attachment repair (the Ford dealers were or are supposed to fix this defect by reinforcing the bracket attachments).

In 20/20 hindsight, I guess the liftgate support strut bracket should be reinforced. And maybe it might be a good idea to replace the liftgate and liftgate window support struts ("gas assist cylinders") every 10 years or so.
Ford Explorer Rear Liftgate Window Strut/Shock 1991-01 US $31.95/pair
Ford Explorer Liftgate/Hatch Shocks-Struts-Lifts 91-01 US $34.95/pair

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MikeP. said:
Also, the liftgate support struts or "gas assist cylinders" failed (this all happened in about 2 weeks ??? does hot weather age them ??),

The gas eventually leaks past the seals and they don't have enough pressure. This probably is helped by the hot weather because the pressure is higher when hot and helps the leakage. Plus, hot temps will dry out the seals faster as well.

When I purchase my explorer it only had one strut and it would not hold the liftgate up, so I purchased a replacement from autozone and swapped the one I assumed wasn't working with the new one, still no luck. So I put the used one on the opposite side and it works great now. It appears that they only work in pairs due to the weight of the liftgate perhaps this is why you only thought one worked(the second one you installed).

you can also check for lift supports. Very good prices...

Aren't the struts a recall item? If so, no matter your year, Ford should replace for free.
