Light brown,slimy gunk in radiator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Light brown,slimy gunk in radiator


July 25, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Bossier City, Louisiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XLT
I have a 1992 Ford Explorer XLT 2wd v6 4.0l

I need some help with radiator is getting clogged with this light brown gunk. I keep having to refill the transmission fluid and I'm think there was a crack where the tranny fluid runs thru the radiator. I replaced the radiotor this morning and flushed the whole system out. I then refilled it with antifreeze and water, and everything seems to working fine, except now the upper and lower radiator hoses are getting sucked flat. I've also replaced the thermostat and these hoses. Can anyone help me with this? And, if so, what else can I do to ensure this was the only problem. I don't have a lot of money to spend right now.

thanks, adam

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check the trans fluid.... usually trans fluid and water make something akin to a strawberry milkshake... it is death if water gets in a trannie....light brown gunk sounds more like a head gasket leak between an oil gallery and a water passage...

It also happens when you mix 2 different types of antifreeze.

check the trans fluid.... usually trans fluid and water make something akin to a strawberry milkshake... it is death if water gets in a trannie....light brown gunk sounds more like a head gasket leak between an oil gallery and a water passage...

when i check the tranny fluid, there is no water on the dipstick or anything. I do have to add tranny fluid about every other week.

head gasket leak between an oil gallery and a water passage?

Nah, I don't think it's oil, there is not water on the dipstick when i check the oil, and it's more light brownish red...hard to explain unless ya see it i guess.

Anyone else got any input to help me, i would appreciate it...thanks in advance

how old was he coolant?i have seen real old coolant turn brown and sludgelike over time?

are you leaking transmission fluid?

Ok... I'll add one more note and let ya be. Oil in the crankcase and oil in the radiator do not necessarily correlate. You can have oil getting into the coolant and not into the crankcase. ALternately, if you have a leaking transmission cooler in the radiator, usually the cooling system pressure will force coolant into the trannie... which is really BAD news. If your cooling system is AFU, your coolant pressure may be such that it happens the other way around and for now all you are doing is getting ratty old ATF into your cooling system. IF that is what it is, why not fix that coolant pressure problem and get some coolant into your trannie? (being facetious).

Either way something is one of those 2, oil or ATF, and it is not good. But, keep asking,questions, maybe someone will say something you like to hear....
There done. Last post in this thread.

First of all....Glacier991, please dont be flaming me. I'm new to this board. Yes i signed up in july 04, but havent been able to get online all the much since then, because of working all the time and having to live a life away from the internet. If you see, i've only made 4 or 5 posts. I've only owned my explorer since last July. Thats why i'm asking questions. I wanna try to make sure exactly what is wrong with it from experienced ppl that own explorers. I dont need to make one judgement just by your first reply to my post. I want to hear what others have to say as well.

anyone else have any input?

Adam, I don't think Glacier would knowingly flame anyone. Sometimes it's hard to get meanings across in print, rather than being face-to- face. We all do the best we can here. :) Welcome to the board.

I think you've probably solved the big problem by changing the radiator. You probably had an ATF leak in the trans cooler section. As to the hoses closing up, try releasing the pressure on the radiator cap, and see if that affects the hoses. You might have a cap sticking and not relieving pressue.

One other thing, verify the serpentine belt is routed correctly (if you removed it), so that the water pump isn't running in reverse rotation....?
