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Location of transfer case fill and drain plug for 2003 Ford Explorer Sport


September 9, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Detroit, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Ford Explorer Sport
I'm preparing to change the fluid in my transfer case. I have located the plug facing the driver's side. Can someone tell me where the other one is? I seem to be overlooking it.


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Going to move this thread to the 1995-2001 explorer ( 2nd generation) sub forum.
2003 2 door sport is actually still on a 2001 chassis.

I'm preparing to change the fluid in my transfer case. I have located the plug facing the driver's side. Can someone tell me where the other one is? I seem to be overlooking it.


On the back side of the transfer case there are two plugs. Both use a 3/8” ratchet (square peg) to drive them in and out
You will need a 10mm and a 13mm to remove the anti vibration weight and then the transfer case shift motor. This will give you access to the drain plug (lowest) and the full plug up about half way. T case holds about 2.5 quarts of dextron/Mercon atf

Obligatory "make sure the fill plug comes out before attempting to remove the drain" post.

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