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Elite Explorer
July 12, 2015
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1999 ford explorer sohc
im most likely in the wrong place but look





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Cool find :thumbsup:

Let me guess...not for sale..."I'm gonna restore it"...:rolleyes:

Let me guess...not for sale..."I'm gonna restore it"...:rolleyes:
Actually I'm not sure if it's for sale
I'm not gonna restore it
Just driving by some folks clearing some woods to put in a driveway I think at least that's what it looked like
Thought it was cool my son D.J. wanted to snap some photos thought I'd share
As far as them restoring it Idk but I'll ask next time I'm in town
I wonder what it's worth

Assuming the cowl and floors aren't completely rotted out, $2000-2500; running (doubt it) $3000. Given where its sitting there isn't any rarity to it, but the tires have air, so it might not have been sitting for too long.

Assuming the cowl and floors aren't completely rotted out, $2000-2500; running (doubt it) $3000. Given where its sitting there isn't any rarity to it, but the tires have air, so it might not have been sitting for too long.
Dam 2 to 3 k ant to bad I thought more I think I'm gonna knock on the door and ask if I can get a closer look better pictures and if it's for sale
I'm not looking to buy it just thought it was cool
Thanks for the reply :)

Good luck, hopefully another one can be saved from Fe2O3.

Looking at the pics a little closer the forward lower corner of the driver side door seems a bit crusty, so you may be able to knock a few hundred off for that.

callenger number.PNG

thought i would show this because the neighbers across the street are selling it and dont know how much but i thought it was cool. There is a visible number in the one picture so call if you interested.

I am Ford guy, but that's a Dodge i'd possibly buy (if i could afford it).

my son just called em $ 20,000
yeeyeeee it runs to she said

Yeah, definitely out of my range.

Looks like it might be a mustang grande
If so they are kinda rare
I know a guy restoring one

Good call
Should have caught that

Looks like a 68 Mustang GT with lots of rust issues. I expect the interior and engine and drive train are in similar poor condition. Full restoration is going to run quite a bit but it could be a nice project. The sale price is more like what the restored price would command, not a major restoration project. Too bad oit was kept sol long outside.

If the Mustang is structurally sound, it could bring $10k to $20k depending on condition. Prices jumped a ton many many years ago, about the time the TV auctions became popular. That's also when it no longer mattered if a car was altered, big prices since then for any modifications.

Restored means nothing now, the definition changed, so ignore the abused word restored. It used to mean no non stock parts, OEM tires and batteries, no new paint etc. I personally don't mind modifications, but I don't appreciate destroying the meaning of words. I know what an air cleaner is for example, I doubt anyone under the age of 30 really does(same for the word intake).

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Hagarty says 11K fair base 302.
My 92 Fox jumped too. BUT, what will
this current garbage bring?

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