lookin into a '01 sport trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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lookin into a '01 sport trac


Active Member
January 31, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
sebago, Maine
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT 4.0 OHV
This sport trac has 42k miles only and its selling for 13k. So here's a couple of questions that I have. Is it common to have an oil leak in these vehicles? In the overhead console, how do I change the temp? (Currently reading 140F) Do you guys think this is a good buy? Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!:salute:

No problem with oil leaks. And I dont understand the question about changing the temp in the overhead console. It is a thermometer, you cannot change change the temp. Or are you talking about changing from Farenheit to Celcius?

No problem with oil leaks. And I dont understand the question about changing the temp in the overhead console. It is a thermometer, you cannot change change the temp. Or are you talking about changing from Farenheit to Celcius?

I thought I could press a couple of buttons and change the temp...well, you learn new things everyday! So, I'm guessing I have to have the dealer fix it right?
