Loud humming noise | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Loud humming noise


Well-Known Member
August 5, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Woodbridge, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 sport
I have a loud humming noise coming from under my truck. I noise is the loudest inside the car, I can only hear it on the outside when I put my head near the drivers side middle undercarriage. I have have the noise for a while, but before it was a light humming noise and I thought it was normal, but now its kind of loud and annoying... any ideas??

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ICM breather? If you lift the hood does it sound like a fog horn?

Have you tried listening to the engine with the hood open?

I had the same noise which turned out to be the Idle Air Control Valve (IAC). With the hood open, the noise seemed to be coming from the air filter area. The idle also seemed rougher while the problem was happening. Do a search - seems like a common problem around these years.

Good luck.

IAC is what I ment sorry for the typo. If that is what it is the filter for it is cleanable.

Replaced it but no change...I dont think this noise is coming from the engine bay>> Like I said i heard it the loudest from the drivers seat and i can feela vibration with the humming noise that seems to be right under my seat.

Noise got a little louder today, seems to be coming from near the back almost by the gas tank! What is back by the gas tank that could be making noise???? Its just a loud constant humming sound!

Any humming noise coming from the fuel tank is a fuel pump.

word???? are they expensive?? hard to repalce???

I saw the write ups on how to change fuel filter and how to change fuel pumps in the maintenance forum, but neith had pictures, picture are worth 1000 words, anyone have writeups with pics???

anyone got any pics?? id rather go into this project knowing what everything looks like, haynes manual isnt the greatest

Sounds more like a switch like the fuel pump inertia switch is stuck in the on position. It is above the fuel tank under the mat. Find out what is making the pump run all the time before changing it out. Also check the fuel pressure regulator an make sure it is not stuck partly open a fuel pressure gauge will be needed for that.

thanks I will try that, becuase ford wants $275 for a new fuel pump!!!! and id rather nto pay that, but I thought that the inertia switch was under the carpet of the front passenger foot area, thats what it looks like in the haynes manual but please correct me if im wrong

Took the ex in for an a/c service and had one of the mechanics listen to the humming noise, he says that it is caused by bad baffles in my exhaust, does this sound right?? has anyone ever haed this problem? should I get a second opinion???

could be the muffler, if you turn it on but dont start it you should hear the fuel pump kick on and it should hum for a few seconds then, is that the same noise?

jtm087 said:
anyone got any pics?? id rather go into this project knowing what everything looks like, haynes manual isnt the greatest


try this. i found this in the forums. its been a useful tool so far :)

Yeah Here are some pics of the fuel pump. will also try to upload it on the maintenance log.

Sorry cannot post pictures because i am not an elite explorer, but i have them so if you wonna know what it looks like e-mail me at chilly_moose@yahoo.com.

became elite
here it is.


  • explorer fuel pump (3).jpg
    explorer fuel pump (3).jpg
    24.6 KB · Views: 585
