Loud popping, clicking from left front. 2014 AWD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Loud popping, clicking from left front. 2014 AWD


New Member
December 12, 2017
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Winamac, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2014 explorer xlt
Loud popping, and clicking from left front when turning from a stop. Can not reproduce sound in the garage. Doesn't happen when in reverse, or in a rolling turn. Stops when reaching normal speeds.

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Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
There are some threads on similar issues.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
There are some threads on similar issues.

Thanks for the info, but, none of them sounds like what I'm experiencing. It's a loud popping/binding/clicking. I'm able to push/pull the cv axle, a little, in and out. Is that normal?

I'm not a mechanic so I can't say for sure if that's is normal. Is it the same on both sides regarding the cv axle? Members have had issues with control arms and bushings.


I'm not a mechanic so I can't say for sure if that's is normal. Is it the same on both sides regarding the cv axle? Members have had issues with control arms and bushings.

Only coming from driver side. Struts, bearings, and control arms/ball joints, recently replaced.

What I meant was does the cv axle on the other side also have the same amount of play in it? It might be an idea to have them check the work that was done to make sure everything is as it should be.


Only coming from driver side. Struts, bearings, and control arms/ball joints, recently replaced.
Did you replace the strut mounts? My DS strut mount would "bunk" when turning the wheel while stopped still, only a few degrees. Every time. Bunk, bunk, bunk, super annoying and reproducible. This sounds a little different though.

Are you testing the cv joint movement with the knuckle off?

Generally, clicking when turning is a cv joint failure indicator. Also, yes, the inner cv can go in and out "a little" if you pull it. Not sure how to tell definitively if bad, but I'd bet money on it whatever that's worth. And, be careful pulling it out and down at the same time because you can pull the inner race and balls off the cage separating the inner joint. I did this on accidenta few weeks ago, but the local parts store axle whisperer guy monkeyed it back together without opening it somehow. It was amazingly lucky.

A new motorcraft axle is $150 by mail order. You can pop the axle off with a pry bar and 5 seconds of effort. You might lose some transmission fluid when you do this, have a pan ready
