loud popping when 4x4 activated | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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loud popping when 4x4 activated


April 2, 2008
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I have a 1996 (Japan spec) Explorer/expedition Recently if I turn on the 4X4 I get a loud popping which is expecially bad when I'm turning. I'm suspecting something buggered up in the front Diff. Also the 4X4 light and Low 4 light flash.

Anyone have any idles on what causes it. The popping is very loud and can be heard outside by others when your driving. It's fine once you put it back in 2 wheel drive.


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Where exactly is the popping coming from?

It sounds like it's comming from the front Diff and axle.

Any body kno about this prolem cause i have the same problem with a 98 x 4x2 is fine for sharp turns but 4x4 high go to turn pops and jumps and 4x4 low does it too i dont have the light problem but for about a yr i had some loude a$$ poping comen when im trying to make hard turns on the trail! any one who knows what this is i would love too kno how to fix or what it even is


Don't do it.

Any body kno about this prolem cause i have the same problem with a 98 x 4x2 is fine for sharp turns but 4x4 high go to turn pops and jumps and 4x4 low does it too i dont have the light problem but for about a yr i had some loude a$$ poping comen when im trying to make hard turns on the trail! any one who knows what this is i would love too kno how to fix or what it even is


Ummm, it sounds like your 4x4 is doing what it's supposed to do. You should never try to make very hard turns in 4x4. The "popping" is your drivetrain binding up. This occurs because, in a turn, the "inside" and outside" wheels turn at different speeds, becuase they need to travel different distances (different radius circles). The harder the turn, the greater the difference. This is why differentials exist. Something similar happens between the front and rear wheels. In 2wd, no problem. The rear is driven, and the front can just kinda get "pushed along" and slip a little. Now, when you apply power to all 4 wheels, they fight each other and try to go in slightly different directions (in a turn). Again, the tighter you tunr the bigger the problem. That's pretty much 4x4-101. NO tight turns in 4x4. If you've done it alot, you may have prematurely worn out any number of part. (u-joints, front CV joints, wheel bearings, transfer case output shaft bearings (shock is transmitted thru the whole drivetrain), etc.... I would check these things for excessive wear. Also check and lube the driveshaft slip joints (front and rear).

I have a 1996 (Japan spec) Explorer/expedition Recently if I turn on the 4X4 I get a loud popping which is expecially bad when I'm turning. I'm suspecting something buggered up in the front Diff. Also the 4X4 light and Low 4 light flash.

Anyone have any idles on what causes it. The popping is very loud and can be heard outside by others when your driving. It's fine once you put it back in 2 wheel drive.


First, that rear hatch is kinda cool. Is that factory, or did you add the light panel/Ford logo?

2nd, I would check your cv-joints, as well as your front drivehsaft u-joints, front driveshaft slip joint, and the transfer case output shaft bearings.

First, that rear hatch is kinda cool. Is that factory, or did you add the light panel/Ford logo?

2nd, I would check your cv-joints, as well as your front drivehsaft u-joints, front driveshaft slip joint, and the transfer case output shaft bearings.

That's the Japan spec explorer.

Ummm, it sounds like your 4x4 is doing what it's supposed to do. You should never try to make very hard turns in 4x4. The "popping" is your drivetrain binding up. This occurs because, in a turn, the "inside" and outside" wheels turn at different speeds, becuase they need to travel different distances (different radius circles). The harder the turn, the greater the difference. This is why differentials exist. Something similar happens between the front and rear wheels. In 2wd, no problem. The rear is driven, and the front can just kinda get "pushed along" and slip a little. Now, when you apply power to all 4 wheels, they fight each other and try to go in slightly different directions (in a turn). Again, the tighter you tunr the bigger the problem. That's pretty much 4x4-101. NO tight turns in 4x4. If you've done it alot, you may have prematurely worn out any number of part. (u-joints, front CV joints, wheel bearings, transfer case output shaft bearings (shock is transmitted thru the whole drivetrain), etc.... I would check these things for excessive wear. Also check and lube the driveshaft slip joints (front and rear).

thanks every thing is still fine and ive lubed her up but after the 1st 2 times with the poping i tryed not to do it any more cause it just sounded bad but thanks that makes me feal better that the poping means it works and not broke:D
