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Low Oil pressure light on Help a newbie


June 25, 2012
Hey guys I just picked up an 02 ford explorer v8 last week and I swear on the test drive there was no low oil pressure light but when I went to go start the car the next morning the little gauge was blinking low oil pressure/oil change required. The engine doesn't ping, knock, or make any noises at all. The oil level is completely fine and the engine runs smooth with 78k. I bought an oil pressure sending unit and am going to be installing it today but I am wondering, if for whatever reason the problem doesn't go away with the sending unit, what are my next steps. What is worst case scenario that could be wrong?

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Hey guys I just picked up an 02 ford explorer v8 last week and I swear on the test drive there was no low oil pressure light but when I went to go start the car the next morning the little gauge was blinking low oil pressure/oil change required. The engine doesn't ping, knock, or make any noises at all. The oil level is completely fine and the engine runs smooth with 78k. I bought an oil pressure sending unit and am going to be installing it today but I am wondering, if for whatever reason the problem doesn't go away with the sending unit, what are my next steps.

Was it the oil pressure switch? What ended up happening?

What is worst case scenario that could be wrong?
I have a feeling that you already know the answer to this question. The low oil pressure light is the "death light."

well i realized the light only comes on if i put the key to the first position. then it goes away when i start it...really weird

Nothing weird about that conditional at all. The vehicle is trying to tell you, through the idiot light, that with the key in RUN position, the engine is failing to make enough oil pressure.

haha im used to european cars. this explorer is my first domestic car and on all the european cars i've owned, it doesn't come up with lights like that or messages that would potential mess up my day lol
