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lower pressure rad cap

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My 16PSI going on a year now. Only had the small hose above the water pump split.
Radiator still good.

2006 EBauer V6
81,000 miles

i am running a 13psi cap. Is that going to be a problem? all seems ok so far
06 v6

As mentioned way earlier in this thread (easily missed), the pressure of the radiator cap doesn't control the operating temp. What it does control is the boiling point of the coolant.

If you were to change a 13psi radiator cap to a 7psi cap you would lower the boiling point of the coolant by 18F. That means straight water, at sea level would be boiling at 233F with the 7psi cap instead of 251 with a 13 lbs cap. Adding Coolant to it would raise the boiling point too but only to an extent.

I personally run 16 lbs caps on our vehicles (when possible). Even our 2006 Mustang has it (4.0 sohc motor). By running the 16 lbs cap the boiling point of the coolant is 260F at sea level. We also run coolant. so its even higher. With those pressures we just don't have to worry about the coolant boiling.

Now, you don't want to go too high or you'll have too much pressure on hoses and the plastic cooling system parts of the newer vehicles (don't use 20 lbs caps).

We only run the higher pressure to make sure we don't get boiling coolant when the motor goes into heat soak which is right after you shut it off after driving it. Things get mighty warm when its 100F to 115F outside.


i only stated to use a 16 psi cap over its the same motor with very few running changes over the decade its been in the vehicle. gen 2 and 3 tho gen 3 used a degas bottle it was 16 psi.

Think it's workin'

:chug: So far the 16 lb. cap seems to be working great. I don't seem to be loosing coolent any more. The only thing I've noticed is more coolent going into the reservoir after the engine is shut down, which is understandable. Guess I'm just old school, but I liked it better when the optimum engine operating temp was 180 degrees and the radiator had a 7 lb. pressure cap. Engines were very happy at 180 degrees! .... no plastic radiators either!!! Keepin' my fingers crossed that the leak is gone for good ..... Lookin' good so far!

:usa:G-man :burnout:

I installed a 16lb cap about a year ago as well per a posting in one of the Replace Radiator threads. My radiator was just replaced and I didn't want to have to do it again any time soon.
Mine has been working great as well.

2006 V6 EB


I've had the 16lb. cap on for a month now and haven't lost a drop of antifreeze...... GREAT SUGGESTION! THANKS!

:usa: G-man :thumbsup::burnout:

Just checking to see if anyone has had any issues using the 16 psi cap. My 2007 V6 just turned over 50,000 miles. I have not had any issues with the radiator yet, but I have been keeping a close eye on it for the past 2 years. I am thinking about switching to the 16 psi cap just for good measure, but wanted to make sure it would not overheat or cause a CEL. I live in Chicago, so we only have about a month of "hot" weather anyways. TIA!

I haven't heard of anyone on this site having a problem with the 16psi cap. I've had mine for a couple of years. No cel either.

I've had my 16psi cap on for a year now. No problems.

16 psi cap

Having read about the many problems with these radiators, I just installed a Stant #10233 16 psi cap on my 2008 Ltd with the 4.0L V6.

I bought this Ex with 39,250 miles 3 months ago from an out of state Ford dealer. It is a Ford certified vehicle and was gone through completely and they installed new tires, new battery, new frt rotors and pads.

They also installed a new radiator at that time, so I think that this lower pressure cap is a good idea. So far I am very happy with this vehicle. I like everything about it and the V6 has enough power for me, I don't do any towing.

This is the perfect stable mate for my wife's 2010 escape.
