Mac Cold Air or KKM? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mac Cold Air or KKM?


Well-Known Member
April 11, 2002
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Los Angeles, CA
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98 Sport OHV

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Stick with KKM, most everyone who has bought it has been pleased with their purchase.

My MAC for my truck came with the filter. Kinda oval shaped. I have also had a KKM. Go with the MAC.

That is what i am looking for! MAC!!! where can i get a MAC intake? the picture in haktmal's post looks just like my car, just w/o the MAC intake (or the purple, but hey, to each his own man...)

correction, carries it for $139. expensive?

Mac Performance sells it for $139 i think + shipping.
So with $139 and free shipping from RPM Outlet, it's a good buy.

What about the intakes? They look pretty nice. I know NOTHING about them though.

Hmm, but now that I look you guys have newer Xs. Well does anyone know about these things anyways? :D

we have a group buy on intakes on another thread. Just like the ifab ones, but we are getting them for $130 for just the tube... and a few bucks more, for the whole setup. I think the thread is 91-94 intakes.


Yeah I remember seeing them, that's why I was asking. I'll have to look more at them. I'm probably going to buy one early this summer.

i'd stick with KKM man, i started a thread on Volant vs. KKM and i just think that KKM is the best bang for the buck and they're made especially for fords and ford explorers. i'm not familiar with Mac's but I know that KKM is cheaper so thats what i'd do, and i'm prob. gonna get a KKM soon so yeah. ;)

I like the chrome pipe air intake set up. But I have a question. How would the KKM filter with the black stock plastic intake tube compare with the chromed air intake tube with K&N from the link below?
Dead Link Removed

And if the you were to get the chrome air intake tube only and put the KKM filter on it, is it worth it to spend the extra bucks?


I think a Chrome intake is useless. I don't really think it helps out the air anymore than a open air filter would. As long as airflow isnt restricted, I don't believe a chrome pipe will help. Its all looks. Engine dress up

Personally, I think the stock tube is restrictive. Especially, if you have a bigger TB and MAS such as I do. 3" matches up perfect to my MAS. Its like I straight shot of air. As for MAC vs. KKM. you have to go MAC just cuz its bigger. There is nothing special about KKM... its not tuned or anything like that.. all it is, a generic cone filter attached to a metal bracket that lets you attach it to the MAS.


WHAT THE HECK! the price for a MAC intake kit went up 5 bucks!!! WHAT THE HECK!!! it was only last week the sell price was 139, now its $145!!! aw suckS!!!

Har har har. Snooze ya lose. :)

I just switched from the conical K&N filter with removed lower half of airbox, to KKM, and I like the KKM much better. You can really hear the air being sucked in the intake now. I made a smll heat shield to help out, but I recommend the KKM 100%.


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I dunno.. I like the KKM and all.. but it just looks as if the MAC version has the same idea, but uses a larger filter. Which means more surface area, which should mean better flow.



Hey guys its me again. well i went ahead and ordered the MAC Intake kit for $147 total (before the price goes up on me again) and it should be at my doorsteps around friday. I will definately post up some pics to let you all see the install. From the very first day i bought the car, i have always wanted to throw in an intake kit, but have never found one for my 98 X 5.0L. K&N drop-in was over-rated. all it did was save me money every few months from buying a paper one. Then i found KKM and since it wasnt CARB legal, to me, it wasnt worth it. Finally, thanks to haktmal, i was introduced to MAC! K&N filter w/o the K&N price and a new intake tube! from the moment i laid eyes on it, i knew my baby wanted that in her... so i gave it to her. and i gave it to her good... oh sorry guys.. lil tangent. well, you'll all hear from me in about a week. PEACE.

Did MAC tell you they were CARB legal? From what I understood, their kits were not. Also, did they say they used a genuine K&N brand filter, or a similar one? Their kits look pretty nice. MAC is definitely a good company, especially for the Mustang parts they have.

I like the MAC better. My KKM never impressed me, I couldn't tell a difference between it and stock besides some noise. The MAC gives you better top end power and better fuel economy. I think the extra $30 is worth it. I got mine for $125 shipped.

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