MAC intake- great quality, poor sound | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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MAC intake- great quality, poor sound


June 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Hey all- just finished installing my $169 MAC intake (3624), and de-installing in favor of stock with a drop-in K+N. Why? Well, the fit and finish are excellent- although the instructions are quite poor- if you're not a shady tree level one ;) you might have issues. I disconnected the battery with the headlights on to clear the computer, and did some good varying-throttle driving for about an hour. Know what? No power increase, and some low-end loss, according to my G-Tech Pro- about 10% on the low end torque... Keep in mind it was a very careful installation, and I already have a good cat-back exhaust installed (Dynomax 17710 w/ 2.5 pipe).

Most importantly, though, IT DROVE TERRIBLY! The sound from under the hood was pure rice, and LOUD at that! I've had my share of intakes, but the resonance of this system is quite high-pitched, and annoying to all. At full throttle I actually got a high-freq feedback in the pedal!

This contrasts with the K+N FIPKS I've had in the past, with good results (10% HP/TQ+) on three vehicles, and no extreme resonance. Now I see why K+N uses thermoplastic- it doesn't resonate like metal, and doesn't heat-soak like metal. Oh well- I'm sure some people like the sound, but beware!

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Not on mine.
Mine was actually quiter than my stock intake with K&N fliter and opened air box bottom.
I had a bit of a wistle at first, but I cinched up on the hose clamps and all it well.
I ignored the instructions. Didn't look too complex to me.
I did have to modify the two breather holes though :(
As far as performance, very noticable on mid range. Not much from zero, but any thing from 2,000 rpm on up was much more peppy.

And it is just so dang georgous. :)

I've heard the older generation system, and it is pretty quiet. Keep in mind the gen III system is completely different in both length and diameter, as well as having a different filter as well as breather set-up. The '02 up 4.0's have a different intake, cam profile as well as valve timing, and are quite a bit louder under the hood with a free-flow air system. A lot of the difference of the gen III's is attributed to their flex-fuel status.

My K&N is really good. Its sounds loud and gets me better gas milege

I've got a MAC intake on my Mountaineer and with the Gibson exhaust it has a very nice throaty rumble. It gave me some extra mileage too. I did notice that my very low end power decreased a little bit, but it WAY more than made it up in the higher RPMs. I was running stock airbox and I could hear the car gasping for air before in the higher RPMs. Granted I'm running a 5.0, I'm sure it sounds a lot different with the 4.0. Gotta agree with MONMIX on the looks too, very nice;)

Edit. wrong thread

I'm still having a Hummmmmmmm sound coming from mine sometimes until it gets warmed up for some reason? I'm considering getting the FIPK instead...
