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Manual swap!!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Williamstown, Ky
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 EB
Well i was out doing what i do best today, screwing around and i noticed that sometimes when i really get on it the transmission slips, and that got me excited cause i would then have an excuse to do the tranny swap in my explorer. I know it can be done cause my 2002 4.0L V6 4X4 had the factory option of being manual transmissioned, so if anyone thats done this could tell me what all id need to do it and how hard itd be, thanks.

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If you have the equipment to pull a tranny and t case then its not bad.
List of parts will be tranny, clutch/brake pedal assembly, slave, master, line from slave to master, flywheel, friction plate, pressure plate, the driveshafts I'm not really sure on length differences because when I looked into it my rears were out of the mounty,shifter, manual tranny cross member or modify the auto, some wiring to run a neutral safety switch or delete it, center console or just cut your storage area right below the radio and hvac controls, you can leave the auto shift lever or remove it your choice, then a tune to eliminate the auto electronics so you won't be stuck in limp mode.

What transmission did you use, the mazda M5OD or somethig elese

I havnt done it yet but I have the parts to do it. The m5od-hd is what you are looking for.

P.M. sent.
