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Manual Tranny


Explorer Addict
July 26, 2009
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1991 Ford Explorer XLT
Ok guys, my 91 X has a manual tranny, Since I bought it, the shifting seems a bit like it grinds/shifts hard. I was wondering what kind of fluid does the manual tranny take and how much do I need to replace the fluid?

EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out :)

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Also, does the manual tranny have a filter that I have to worry about? There is this filter on the opposite side of the fill/drain plugs, that I don't know what its for....

Nope. No Filter. No pump in the transmission to push the fluid through the filter media.

I have rebuilt the M5OD transmission, and there isn't anything that is related to the transmission where you are describing.


Hm ok, well that makes me feel better. It must be a filter to something else then.

It takes Mercon ATF, not Mercon V. Straight Mercon can be found under the name of Dex/Merc.


Is it hard shifting in all gears? Just when you start?

Hard shifting and grinding often indicates a clutch problem. If you have not yet done so then check the clutch fluid level.


New trans fluid in a Manual Trans won't help a hard shifting problem. They use bronze synchronizer gears to mesh the gears while shifting. When they are new, they are flat on one side. And Triangular/Pyramid shaped on the the other. They mesh with a steel ring that has the same triangular/pyramid shape all around the ring.

When a synchro goes bad and isn't fixed, it only costs more to fix it later. As you have to replace the more expensive Steel Ring and or other hard parts...

Here is a pic of a Selector Ring that had a bad synchro and wasn't fixed. Eventually it became IMPOSSIBLE to shift into reverse. The 5th Gear side was PERFECT, with sharp points still intact. The Reverse side was FLAT.


  • DSC05808.JPG
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What about a 2nd and 3rd gear issue? Sometimes when cold it will grind the synchro going into 2nd, you have to finesse it in. You can get it NOT to grind, if you do it right, you just don't push it, but let if fall into gear. Sometimes it's just hard to get it to go into second at all (no grinding), you just have to keep pressure on it, it'll slide in once it's ready. 3rd just sometimes seem a little finicky. No grinding and goes in every time. Just sometimes a little pressure is needed, more then any other gear.

1st, 4th, 5th, and R are all great, no issues with them what-so-ever....

Can you get synchro's for just certain gears?

Just have no idea, never cracked open a tranny. Once I get around to it, this will be my first!

What you're describing sounds like syncros to me since it is only affecting certain gears. You can get every part seperate in that tranny if you want to. You might want to look at getting a junk yard one and rebuilding it or see if you can find a brand new one. Seen one on ebay one time. Or a later year M50D. They used them up to at least 2001 I think. Straight up Mercon ATF works fine in the tranny. You could use V if you really wanted but why pay more for a synthetic.

Yes. You can get synchro's for the 1-2, 3-4, and 5-R...

But like I said, the synchro is the SOFT part of the assembly that is designed to take the brunt of the force to slide the steel ring into just the right position before engaging into the desired gear.

But if the synchro is worn, and you force it into gear, you aren't grinding the synchro, you are grinding steel to steel....that gets REAL BAD real fast.


Well, when i first changed the tranny fluid, chunks of metal came out with the GRAY colored fluid that was in there, and mind you that wasn't that much either! Still having grinding issues, and I'm also still hearing what sounds like a rattle coming from that area, not sure if its the tranny or something else right close to it. I'm really afraid of driving it so much cuz I do not know what is wrong with it. Hubby says, you can't fix it if it's not broken, but I'm worried that it WILL break. Can a bad clutch cause this?

Chunks of metal(not metal shavings) is bad. You need to start looking for a replacement or decide to pull and rebuild it. Not really any other option besides driving it till you need towed home. Which might not be a bad option if you have people available to tow you.

That's what I was afraid of. I know metal chunks isn't good, I just hope I can find a used tranny or a rebuilt one for relatively cheap. Junk yard time!

Yea the "gray" fluid you describe was caused by all the little peices of silver metal in the fluid. Definately not a good sign.

Dang. What's the average cost of getting a rebuild job done vs. buying a rebuilt tranny?? Or doing it myself? I've never pulled a tranny before....
