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MFT shows wrong date.


Well-Known Member
July 10, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 AWD Explorer Limited

Minor point, but how do you set the calendar to the right day? For some reason ours is a day off (gave us a brief scare we'd lost a day :) ), but I can't locate the setting?

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Minor point, but how do you set the calendar to the right day? For some reason ours is a day off (gave us a brief scare we'd lost a day :) ), but I can't locate the setting?

I would try a master reset . Either that or drive across the date line..:D
The calender is pretty to look at and pretty useless. All you can do it look at it!!
From page 6 of the MFT Guide.
Setting the clock
1. Press MENU > Clock.
2. Press + and — to adjust the time.
From this screen, you can also
access other adjustments such as 12
or 24 hour mode, to activate GPS
time synchronization, and to have
the system automatically update
new time zones.
Once you update any settings they will be automatically saved.
Note: The date will be set by your vehicle’s GPS. You cannot manually
set the date.
Note: After a battery disconnect, your vehicle will need to acquire a GPS
signal to update the clock. A GPS signal can be received in an open sky
area. Once your vehicle acquires the signal, it may take a few minutes
for the update to display the correct time.

Thanks GWA1 - saves me for hunting further for that missing date setting feature! :)

I don't think I'll bother with a reset and wait for the system update; you're right the calendar is pretty useless at this point except as a prank to scare you that you have the days wrong! :)

Recently I bought a 2011 Ford Explorer XLT. I love the vehicle, but I am not real into the MFT as I have several issues/questions. Mine does not have the navigation. First, how do I change the date? I have looked everywhere. Every setting, every menu, nothing. I even Google'd it. No luck. Right now it says Oct 28, 3035. Second, how do I upgrade the software? I have tried going to the official Ford website, and it says mine is up to date, but I would like to download the newest anyway and install it. Third, I see that I can connect to my mobile hotspot, but what does it do? I tried it and it seems to do nothing. I thought that it would let me update, but no luck. Fourth, I found a button that says "install updates/apps." What apps? Anything good and where do I get them? Lastly, when I go to the Information tab and do something such as turn by turn, it starts making a call on my phone? Why and does it actually work?

Thanks for any help!

Welcome to the Forum resurrectedXIII.:wavey:

Depending on which screen you have, when you go to set the clock does it give you any other options? I see not only up and down arrows but also left and right ones.

To see what version of software you have go into the software option on the MFT screen )if you have one) and it will show a CCPU S/W Version. What is it?

There really are no Apps to add on Sync 2. See the following thread;


Welcome to the Forum resurrectedXIII.:wavey:

Depending on which screen you have, when you go to set the clock does it give you any other options? I see not only up and down arrows but also left and right ones.

To see what version of software you have go into the software option on the MFT screen )if you have one) and it will show a CCPU S/W Version. What is it?

There really are no Apps to add on Sync 2. See the following thread;


There are no arrows. Only + and - for min and hour. I have looked, people I work with have looked...nothing! CCPU S/W Version: 4.30.13171_PRODUCT.

There are no arrows. Only + and - for min and hour. I have looked, people I work with have looked...nothing! CCPU S/W Version: 4.30.13171_PRODUCT.
That version number is for V3.6.2. Current version is 3.8 (3.08.15128.EA.10_PRODUCT).
Do you have the 8" screen? The one I looked at in the Manual was the smaller one. If I recall correctly, my 2011 Ltd also had a calendar.
Did some searching using the Forum's 'Search' function and found this thread. I'll merge yours with it.


Recently I bought a 2011 Ford Explorer XLT. I love the vehicle, but I am not real into the MFT as I have several issues/questions. Mine does not have the navigation. First, how do I change the date? I have looked everywhere. Every setting, every menu, nothing. I even Google'd it. No luck. Right now it says Oct 28, 3035. Second, how do I upgrade the software? I have tried going to the official Ford website, and it says mine is up to date, but I would like to download the newest anyway and install it. Third, I see that I can connect to my mobile hotspot, but what does it do? I tried it and it seems to do nothing. I thought that it would let me update, but no luck. Fourth, I found a button that says "install updates/apps." What apps? Anything good and where do I get them? Lastly, when I go to the Information tab and do something such as turn by turn, it starts making a call on my phone? Why and does it actually work?

Thanks for any help!

Really quick way is to log onto www.syncmyride.com

Create account

When you add a vehicle by VIN, then it will pop up and and tell you there's an update.

Latest version is v3.8 and it fixes most issues.

You need a USB drive formatted to FAT32 and its explained on that website.

Being that you have a 2011, some were plagued with issues as the first gen Explorer, many had APIM replaced.

Read the TSB thread on this Forum.

Really quick way is to log onto www.syncmyride.com

Create account

When you add a vehicle by VIN, then it will pop up and and tell you there's an update.

Latest version is v3.8 and it fixes most issues.

You need a USB drive formatted to FAT32 and its explained on that website.

Being that you have a 2011, some were plagued with issues as the first gen Explorer, many had APIM replaced.

Read the TSB thread on this Forum.

I have done this. I check for an update on the site and it says my vehicle is up to date.

Try a power reset.

Go to positive terminal of battery, there is a blue clip you can undo.

Leave off for 15 mins min.

This will also allow transmission to relearn your driving habits as opposed to the persons before you that owned it.

Then a Master Reset in the radio settings can be done.

The mobile hotspot simply uses the MFT system to create a hotspot of data from one of the occupants cell phones, kind of redundant since the phone does that on its own.

Connecting to your home WiFi does nothing, the system cant update itself. That was another under delivered promise.

The Apps/Install tab was also supposed to be for future development that turned into vapor.

Info tab is for SYNC Services I believe but you need a subscription.

hi all,

would anyone be intreated to teach me on how to chnage the date on MFT? mine now reads January 1, 2010:(.

thanks in advance.

hi all,

would anyone be intreated to teach me on how to chnage the date on MFT? mine now reads January 1, 2010:(.

thanks in advance.
Did you go into the calendar to try and set the correct date?


The 'Calendar' feature is covered in your Owner's Manual and may depend upon the features your Explorer has. One is on page 148 and another is on page 528 if you have Navigation.


That date indicates the GPS receiver is not registering any satellites.

hi Peter,

Thanks for Attending my question;
Did you go into the calendar to try and set the correct date?

is that possible at all?

btw: when I woke up this morning, the calendar corrected itself without my involvement.

Your GPS did not have a lock, thus kicking it to the default date.
