Misc First gen stuff | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Misc First gen stuff

Need this stuff gone, no use for it and I'd like to go to someone on the forums. Might have more buried in the garage but for now this is what I have explorer-wise.

All I'm going to ask is shipping (although if you DO want to pay for any of these I won't say no).

Factory sub enclosure

Grey cargo cover

Grey moonroof cover

GONE - Heated side mirrors

A haynes manual

GONE - 1 of each service book in the pictures

GONE - 1 book of wiring diagrams (says its for a 94 but I'd assume would work for all first gens)

I also have the rock sliders glfredick built for the X I bought off him laying around the garage (probably won't ship these though)

Not necessarily X related, but I do have 2 D70 axle shafts sitting around..

Only going to have this up for a couple months, then anything thats not gone is junked.


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Do you have the sub cover panel or just the actual sub and its enclosure?

Do you have the sub cover panel or just the actual sub and its enclosure?

Just the sub enclosure, not even sure if there's a sub in it... I can't remember. I know the stock amp is there.

If you're interested in shipping the sliders I'd love to take them off your hands :)

Do you still have the gray cargo cover? I would love it. Give me a price plus shipping please.

Mike. 804-972-4462 (cell) text 1st, I may be at work.

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Last Activity: 11-28-2015 10:33 PM

I know, but still worth a shot asking. People tend to hold onto stuff for a while.
