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Photos Moab 2007 Photos & Trip Report

Yeah it was labeled as a Sub. Forester H6 (Banks-powered stickered), diesel. With a readimade ARB front bumper. Those were the Russians we talked about earlier. :confused:

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Hello from the Middle East!

I'm in Qatar right now waiting on a flight to Kuwait, where I'll be for a month. So i'm just killing time and missing my truck. Although with all the sand and desert out here, kinda makes me want a prerunner ;) Hope you guys are doing well. Talk to you soon.

Any tall buildings in Qatar yet?

They are coming :)
I bet its HOT out there right now

God Bless you and all the guys and girls over there :salute:

I hope they're not letting you do any real work... I'd hate to see the damage (and/or class A/B/C mishaps :p: ) cadets are capable of :D :D

I'll have some of these :chug: or :smoke: thinking of you all in uniform and hoping you have a safe TDY (deployment I).

Take care Jeff.:salute:

As far as buildings go, I'm not sure, I've only been on base, tallest things here are the watch towers.

And, yes, I'd hate to see the damage we're capable of as well.

I'm pretty sure the Armed Forces have some sort of contract with Ford, because there are a whole bunch of pretty 4th gen Explorers and some crazy crew cab Rangers driving around out here.

Hey Jeff, I just got the picture CD you made, thank you!!! I wish I'd have been able to see the trail that you guys took on Friday in person (Gemini Bridges?), but the pics make it more work more bearable :D Do you want me to send my stuff to your US address so it's waiting for you when you get home? Good luck over there, bud!

On Fri, we were lucky to have Gerald lead and navigate us through Klondike Bluffs (dinosaur tracks :thumbsup: ), a fun unnamed side trail, and Tower Arch. All in Arches Nat'l park. It was an awesome day of 'Moderate' trails :D

WTH is this???
that is a isuzu Axiom


Hey Jeff, I just got the picture CD you made, thank you!!! I wish I'd have been able to see the trail that you guys took on Friday in person (Gemini Bridges?), but the pics make it more work more bearable :D Do you want me to send my stuff to your US address so it's waiting for you when you get home? Good luck over there, bud!

Yeah, that would be great. I'm not sure what my addy here would be anyway. We just got into Kuwait this morning, and getting acclimated to the jet lag and weather. I thought I was drinking a lot of water in Moab! Nothing like 120 degree days to get you hydrating. Take care, all.

More moab photos

These picture's are of the moab rim trail,rusty nail and pritchett canyon


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I have more photo's but I guess I have used up all my space, It won't upload anymore, I just get a error message.Any help out there? Thanks

Will get the rest up soon.sorry

What are the mods you've done?



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And join the elites its 20 bones :D


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Thanks for posting the pictures, The mods I have are the following, TT Lift,front shock mod for more travel,trimed front bump stop for 1/2in more compression travel,4:88 gears front and rear,aussie locker front, auburn ected locker rear,warrior shackle's,sportrac springs,2inch body lift,skid plates,33-10.5-15 BFG's, Relocated rear shocks up and inboard for more ground clearance,warrior spring plates,custom sliders,rancho 9000 shocks. That should do it. Thanks

Nice explorer. Reminds me of mine except yours is so pleasing to look at.:cool:


Thanks for the nice words,I try very hard to keep it looking good, but I wheel the crap out of it. I'am sure it's day is coming!!

Thanks for posting the pictures, The mods I have are the following, TT Lift,front shock mod for more travel,trimed front bump stop for 1/2in more compression travel,4:88 gears front and rear,aussie locker front, auburn ected locker rear,warrior shackle's,sportrac springs,2inch body lift,skid plates,33-10.5-15 BFG's, Relocated rear shocks up and inboard for more ground clearance,warrior spring plates,custom sliders,rancho 9000 shocks. That should do it. Thanks

Dennis forgets to mention that he's got a pair of the *coolest* rock sliders ever, definitely not your average thrown together kind ;)

Oh, and I forgot to mention that much like Mr. Offroader_69_Me, I hit snow driving through the Rockies too, just past Vail. Nothing like getting sunburned and snowed on in the same day! :D


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Thanks for the nice words,I try very hard to keep it looking good, but I wheel the crap out of it. I'am sure it's day is coming!!

Pretty slick rig man!! I wish I'd a climbed under it the short bit you were at the market parking lot... I'll have to PM you about some people I know in Page. :thumbsup: I like your sport alot... makes me jealous of the wheelbase! :D

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I'm back home in Colorado now. Kuwait was a lot of fun and I learned a ton, even though we were seeing 120 deg highs in the day and about 90 deg lows at night. Time to get the Ex tuned up and go wheelin!
