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Moab 2015 - May 22-24

Oh goodness, 4 of us, now that would be scary! At least I would finally meet my Cuz.. LOL.. I already have a babysitter lined up, and making sure I save some vacation time from work. Granted it is a year away, but I know it will be a blast!

Talking with FlapJack, he said he was still in the drivers seat when they opened the door. How come I get the mental image if him just sitting there, dumbfounded, than do the cartoon head shake, while little stars are floating around his head..

I am just wondering if you even had time for the pucker effect to hit?

Oh, I you have to get this sticker!

I think I had those little birds flying around my head going "tweet tweet"

Even tho the sticker is of a jeep, if you get that for me it will go on the rig!!

I just noticed you called me "FlapJack" :dpchug:

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Haha! You guys are too awesome! If anybody wants me to spot for them I'd be happy to...

I'll also make sure I've got my "Give it GAS!" T-shirt on for the runs next year :)

On another note, I still can't believe Bryan Anderson got me up Kane Creek! That was another case of serious spotting!

I am all for anthony being the spotter.....and anthony you did all the hard work on Kane creek and did so while sick...you are an excellent driver and spotter and like a long lost brother to me.....

I keep getting a its blocked due to sme copyright content...:dunno:

Same here...says it contains content from something that is "blocked in my country"or something...:scratch:

ok guys try that YouTube link again and see what it does. it has always worked for me but YouTube says the song I chose is not allowed.....so you can see the video quiet on YouTube or with the music on my Facebook page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Don't you just love bouncing up rock ledges with a cliff a few feet away? I know I do.

That one worked! Definitely on my to do list of trails next year...

That one worked! Definitely on my to do list of trails next year...

It's a blast......poison spider and golden spike are 2 that I have always wanted to do but it never works out.........then next on my list is Pritchett canyon. ...

Well, if everything goes to plan this year for Edgar, I'm down for it....soon as we get a date set for the trip, I'm booking a full week lol :D

I always thought a weekend was too short a trip for the drive. When we went up there, we spent 10 days total; 4 getting there, 5 there, and one marathon drive home.

Well, if everything goes to plan this year for Edgar, I'm down for it....soon as we get a date set for the trip, I'm booking a full week lol

I second that! Bryan and I did from Tuesday till Sunday and even that left me begging for more!

I always thought a weekend was too short a trip for the drive.

After this trip, I think a weekend is too short just because of where this little excursion takes place... :D

I second that! Bryan and I did from Tuesday till Sunday and even that left me begging for more!

Well the actual plan is a week in Moab, 4 days in Prescott, AZ camping and hitting the trails there, along with 3 days in Phoenix with family I don't get to see much...so if you'd like to join us for a few days in AZ next year, you're more than welcome!

After this trip, I think a weekend is too short just because of where this little excursion takes place... :D

Well the actual plan is a week in Moab, 4 days in Prescott, AZ camping and hitting the trails there, along with 3 days in Phoenix with family I don't get to see much...so if you'd like to join us for a few days in AZ next year, you're more than welcome!

Actually that might be fun......we gotta get dates before november so I can schedule time off.....hopefully we can get them picked early this time around

We also are planning a week next year, thinking Being there from Sunday to Sunday.

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