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more nitrous add-ons


Well-Known Member
September 26, 2000
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Miami, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 V8 AWD Limited
As some of you may have read, I put an NOS Dry kit on my explorer. it is only currently jetted for a 75 HP shot.

Today, i finished the nitrous install (for now). I got rid of the NOS switch; Now, my nitrous system is armed and disarmed by pressing the factory rear defrost button.

I also added an NOS Remote Bottle Valve Opener. This allows me to release from the bottle up to the solenoids for the driver's seat. Definately a cool add-on. If I get the urge to "spray it" while driving, I won't have to pull over and open the bottle. I just have to flip a hidden switch, arm the system (press the defroster), and floor it.

I also added a nitrous pressure gauge. Now, it is painfully obvious that I need to get a bottle heater. The heater will help to get the bottle pressure higher so that I can maximize my nitrous hit.

that's all for now,


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Other options...

Do you already have the window switch so it only sprays btween the RPM values that you set?

And of course my favorite option the "Purge"!

I wanted to add NOS just do I could purge. I was thinking of adding a custom hood with the twin nostrils like the lightning has, and having the purge blow out from there.

Yaa, the bottle warmer is a biggie. You might consider wiring it in to the igntion side so it want stay on if you forget about it. I know they have a thermo stat and there is a pressure valve, but I saw a honda where both of those failed and it blew up half his house with it.

Safty man.

Good Luck.

I do like the purge valves. They really look and sound cool, but I'd really look like a fool purging a 15 sec vehicle.

Before I got a blower for my cobra, I was gonna put a 2 stage nitrous system on it. I was also gonna have the pure set up so that the nitrous would exit out of the nostrils.

I'll proably get one down the road, but a bottle heater is more important right now.

I also saw that car that blew up due to the nitrous bottle explosion. Wasn't the car a Maxima??? What happened to it?? Didn't the guy leave the bottle on all day, and safety blow off valve didn't blow when the pressure got too high???

thanks for the suggestions,


The Whiney guy....Yep it was a maxima

Yep, it was a Maxima. He was claiming that all the safty features should have worked before the bottle blew. He left it on and the Thermosstat didn't kick off the warmer, then the pressure valve didn't release. He was blaming everyone for that thing blowing up. True the safty things should have worked, but he should have turned it off or wired it into the ignition. At the track you just leave it in ACC position.

Even 15 sec vehicles look cool purging. Just don't do it at the track, they'll expect a 12 second pass.

I even wanted to add a 2 lb bottle to my wave runner and purge that at the lake.

My buddie had it on his Katana 1100, It looked really cool.

Good Luck with it.

Re: The Whiney guy....Yep it was a maxima

Sorry to be a total dumbass, but what is a purge?

and how much was the total cost of your 75hp system one your vehicle?


I second that motion. Im a dumbass too.. explain. Also... Did you upgrade injectors or your fuel pump? I am planning on a supercharger and a NOS kit...


Yes, me too! I've been around the site quite awhile, and I've yet to learn what a purge is....I would assume this to be something with dumping alot of NOS for some sort of effect...But then again, I could be wrong.

I paid $475 for the NOS universal EFI kit.
I paid 4125 for the installation. It is a very straight forward and easy install, but I wanted it done by someone who is experienced with nitrous. (i didn't want install the fuel enrichment parts wrong. the rest is really easy.)

No, I didn't install an additional fuel pump. The stock pump is fine for the job of a 75 HP shot. When I step up to a 150 shot, I'll add either a Vortech T-rex inline fuel pump.

No, I didn't install bigger injectors. They aren't necessary for this type of dry nitrous system. This NOS dry kit increases you fuel pressure when you spray the nitrous. You are NOT increasing the pulse time of the injector, just the pressure (while spraying).The increase in pressure forces the injectors to squirt more fuel when on the nitrous.

Finally, a purge valve is a valve that lets you vent the nitrous in the lines out to the atmosphere. The purpose of this is to eliminate any air or gaseous nitrous from the lines. After a good purge, you should have pure liquid nitrous at the solenoids. therefore, when you spray the nitrous, you get the most powerful HP increase. A purge is also good for releasing any nitrous still in the lines after you close the bottle. And the final reason to purge your nitrous system is that when you purge, you send a steam-like cloud of nitrous into the air. It makes for a great spectacle and it makes a very loud pppssssttt sound. Very intimidating to other cars.


Originally posted by QuadCam
And the final reason to purge your nitrous system is that when you purge, you send a steam-like cloud of nitrous into the air. It makes for a great spectacle and it makes a very loud pppssssttt sound. Very intimidating to other cars.


Now there is more stuff I want for my truck.

Will I ever get that new carpeting in my basement?:banghead:

Hmm... so whatcha think? you said when you went to a 150hp boost you would upgrade your pump... now... what if you run a supercharger too? I was planning on the charger first... and then the NOS. I dont want to ruin my engine... but fuel pumps are expensive.

fuel pump are usually around $200.

You will have alot of considerations to make if you are gonna run dual power adders.

It can be done, and has be done. You just need to use caution. Bad things can happen very quickly when using a blower/nitrous combo. Only use a small amount of nitrous with the blower (probably not more than a 50 shot). The nitrous works like a cryogenic intercooler when combined with a blower.

good luck,


Uh oh!
