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Morimoto Mini H1 Retrofit

Thought I share my install currently underway. I am going slow and not rushing this as I want to get it right the first time. Started with the Morimoto Mini H1 4.1 Bi-xenon Projectors and graphite shrouds from and the Black Crystal Headlights from ebay.

I didn't realize how transparent the shrouds are so I painted the insides with aluminum engine paint to fix that.


I am also installing the dummy alarm LED's in them to flash when the truck is off. I used one of the existing holes in the base of the projector's and angle drilled it to fit the LED.
Here you can see the hole.


And with LED.


I attached the LED's with the same Silicone II that is recommended to install the projectors.
Here is a test pic with the shrouds installed.

My goal is to hook both sides up to one of the flashers so they will both be flashing in sync with each other. That is as far as I have gotten so far and will update as I go. Again I am taking my time on these, so I may not have anything til next weekend.

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Here's what I get for the link

"Sorry, we were unable to find the document at the original source. Verify that the document still exists.
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But yeah we are taping up the projector to paint inside the housing to get rid of the slide marks. That was one thing my buddy and I noticed as we did the first one and have the first one done and working on the second one now as I'm pulling the one piece headlights. Next will be routing the wiring.

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My old roommate loves this kind of stuff, so he's been helping because he is thinking of doing the same thing to his 02 Kenne Bell Lightning. So we are bout to head on to the wiring which is where my questions are really gonna come especially when it comes to the 4 different cannon plugs.

Haha told you this was my friday night project. I'm stationed in a small cow town unfortunately so. Nothing else to do in this town on a Friday night except a 2nd Gen Retrofit. :chug:


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. I'm stationed in a small cow town unfortunately so. Nothing else to do in this town on a Friday night except a 2nd Gen Retrofit. :chug:

What makes the cows so small there? :D So will there be light tonight?

I've heard different theories about the metal fastener that secures the bulb to the projector about having them swapped around or you'll blow a fuse. Is that the case in this kit?

The answer better be yes.........

Good work Steeda:thumbsup:

Yes, installing bulbs to projectors and then putting them in to get them ready to get aimed. Wiring harness is already routed.

I didn't swap anything around and no fuses have blown. Never heard about that.

Heard about it on the other projector thread. But got them hooked up and the lights work, but they are stuck on high beams as soon as I turn the head lights on and the high beam light on the gauge cluster is stuck on no matter whether I push the MFS to high beam or flash to pass. So as soon as I unplugged the high beam connector then the projectors work normal. Any ideas?

Here's the back side before the bulb went in and drilled the small hole for the high beams.


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The answer better be yes.........

Good work Steeda:thumbsup:

Thanks man. Looking forward to you doing the retrofit as well. Hope my posts with questions help you out when you start.

Heard about it on the other projector thread. But got them hooked up and the lights work, but they are stuck on high beams as soon as I turn the head lights on and the high beam light on the gauge cluster is stuck on no matter whether I push the MFS to high beam or flash to pass. So as soon as I unplugged the high beam connector then the projectors work normal. Any ideas?

Your harness might be set up for 9004 instead of 9007. A couple of the pins in your plug might need to be swapped. Did you see the trouble shooting at the bottom of this:

Here is one about re pinning

Yeah so I'm gonna try by a simple swap of the 2 pins on the headlight plug and see. Cuz in the PDF File of the Troubleshooting guide, you can see what is supposed to be the ground is Orange white and the High Beam wire is the black wire and the low beam wire is blue. I first saw that in the PDF file and was like that doesn't look right.

Did you lose the 3 little screws on the bulb holder? Those look like wood screws.

No, those are the 3 screws that were on the projector when i first pulled it out of the box.

That's weird, I had 3 small machine screws on mine.

Mine aren't wood screws. They are the little metal ones. But I swapped both pins and now the lights only come on when high beams are on and the flash to pass is engaged.

UPDATE: Got it working now. I swapped the plugs around on each side so that way the wires going to the projector solenoid are going to the black and orange (#4) plugs and the (#5) blue and black are going to the ballast now and it works like a champ.

Now another thing is, the resealing glue is a big roll up of black tubular material. It's pretty thick and fat, so I'm wondering if it's gonna be to much for the lenses to go on to the headlight housing. My question is what did you guys use to reseal your lense back on to the headlight housing?

My question is what did you guys use to reseal your lense back on to the headlight housing?

I didn't use anything. When I heated up the lights again before putting the lens back on, I just pushed the two pieces back together and when they cool, they're stuck again using the original glue.

I did seal all the seams with silicone before installing them to keep all the moisture out. I came across a pretty rainy couple of days in Wisconsin over the Xmas holidays and had no leakage so I guess they're holding up.

One benefit of using the original glue was that opening them up a second time is a piece of cake (I had to do it once on my driver's side).

I just used silicone on mine. I would have gone around the edges of them with it anyways and I have no intention of taking them back apart.

I just used silicone on mine. I would have gone around the edges of them with it anyways and I have no intention of taking them back apart.

Yeah cuz I used a heat gun to heat up the old glue to pull the old stuff off, so I have none right now except the new resealing glue they have. You think clear silicone will work good enough to bond the lense to the housing assembly enough for it to be secure? Plus I plan on using the clear silicone around the hole that i drilled for the 2 projector solenoid wires,

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Yeah cuz I used a heat gun to heat up the old glue to pull the old stuff off, so I have none right now except the new resealing glue they have. You think clear silicone will work good enough to bond the lense to the housing assembly enough for it to be secure? Plus I plan on using the clear silicone around the hole that i drilled for the 2 projector solenoid wires,
Seems pretty secure. I also used it to seal up the hole for the wires. It is a more permanent sealer, as you won't be able to heat it up to open them back up. After I filled the outer headlight groove with silicone and then seated the lens into it, I wrapped them in electrical tape to hold everything together until it dried.
