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Mud Flaps on Explorers


A Man Without Wheels
December 9, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Houston, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer (R.I.P.)
Are mud flaps on Explorers something of the past? I found a pair that are different, but didn't know if mud flaps were a thing of the past for streeters.


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wouldn't a die hard streeter not put his vehicle in a position wear it might encounter said 'mud'....????

I would say a flap like that isn't what you want for a street look in my opinion.

you could get into some custom exterior stuff where you could extend the body behind the wheel down a bit with some glass to get some extra protection. But that would lead to paint and other things that would definately be more complicated. I think somebody did something like this before on here maybe expo5.0....

i htink it was expo 5.0 or jamest

Thanks, that is all I needed. I don't know what I was thinking, yea I do, it is a good looking mud flap, but NOT for me. LOL
Thanks for the heads up.

Mud flaps are the ugliest BUT they do serve a purpose. Because of that I have them on my truck. If yours is going to be some kind of show truck by any means then that is definitely a no-no. IMO DD vehicles need them. Besides they're barely visible unless you really look at them...


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Though I ALWAYS get the snow and crap thrown up behind the wheels onto my X, I still won't get them. Only would I get them if I had a huge lift and giant tires that threw crap onto other cars, then again, it might be fun except if it caused damage.

I really only use my truck on the street except if i am camping or out in the sticks, but I put mudflaps on my X. I used the molded mudflaps from Husky. They fit perfectly around the fender flares and the stock running boards. They look fine especially since my truck is black as are the flaps.

im not a big fan of them, mostly just because i've ripped off 2 sets driving in sand. They looked good and worked great but didn't seem to wanna stay on.

Thanks everyone. I passed on them and not even thinking about them anymore. I have to agree with yall, they probably are there for a purpose, but here in Texas, I don't have that reason.

You do not want those cheap looking flat plastic mud flaps. Go to your dealer and get a nice set of the molded flaps. I have an 04 Eddie Bauer and have the matching flaps on the rear. My friends think it looks great.

4.6Runner said:
You do not want those cheap looking flat plastic mud flaps.
That's exactly what I have there and they have stayed on for 4 years straight now, no cracking either. And they are not cheap! They're 5 bucks each! :D

Mine were $40 for a pair. They are color matched. Kind of a gray color that goes well with the trim around the bottom of the Eddie Bauer. You can not tell the diffrence. But they only have them for the rear.
